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REACH Inc. Bible Study Resources

Bible Study With A Difference

Reading the newspaper in any world-class city drives one to the conclusion that the human race has lost its way. Prisons are full, asylums are over-crowded (or non-existent), and families are breaking up in record numbers. Racial groups around the world can barely keep from exterminating one another. However, at the same time there has been great progress in medical science, in mass transportation, in multi-media communication, and in many countries economic development. The 20th Century is a confusing century. What is the problem?

Is the answer more education? More money and resources? More power? More freedom? More control? Is the answer really in more police, more teachers, better politicians, and smarter lawyers?

This kind of a dilemma has happened before. Jerusalem was once the most enlightened city of its age. Within a century, it became morally bankrupt, militarily crushed, and economically destitute. Jeremiah, the Prophet, (592-570 BC) saw his nation only a cobweb away from disaster. He saw the fundamental reason for their dilemma.

"I know, 0 Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps." jer. 9:23

The true secret to life is not external: it is people really knowing God through Jesus Christ-as individuals, in groups, as families, and by the thousands.

The purpose of the Discipleship Family Bible study series is to challenge, nurture, and equip men and women to know God and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. This Bible study series is unique in several ways.

Designed With an Eternal Perspective

It is clear from the ministry of Jesus that His primary concern was to connect His followers with His own heavenly father and with the eternal Kingdom of God. His plan was to liberate them from the narrowness of their selfish interests and their distorted religious belief system. He asked them to follow Him into a life that was "more abundant"-to share His life by the power of the Spirit of God. By His example and His ministry, He brought them into full maturity as fully functioning members of the family of God who would ultimately "turn the world upside-down." The conceptual framework of these Bible studies moves men and women in that same direction.


Designed For Spiritual Growth

When God created the world of living things, the most precious gift was the gift of life itself. The world around us is built upon cycles of growth and change. The spiritual life of a follower of Jesus Christ is no different. Each stage of spiritual development requires nurture, information, and real-life application that is appropriate to that stage. Babies children, and adults all have similar but significantly different needs, expectations, and goals. The Discipleship Family Series of Bible study books is built around a normal process of growth. Materials are not only for head knowledge, or to affirm some doctrinal perspective, but for daily progress in life transformation.

Designed For A Philippine Context

When God sent His Son to fully reveal His nature as the One "full of grace and truth," Jesus did so as a Jewish man, born and raised within the Jewish culture of that day. He was the very Word of God. He communicated the essence of God with a Jewish accent. "He came unto His own... to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

In a similar way, these materials are designed to communicate within the Filipino (indo-Malay) value system. We draw upon life in the Philippines, its' social structure, its' values and attitudes. We let the Scriptures illuminate the struggles and joys that challenge Filipinos on a day-to-day basis. In that way, the application of the Word of God in daily life is enhanced.

Designed For Participation and Retention

Each of the books of the series is designed with a discipleship focus. Each is designed to be used with a cohesive group of believers. Personal investigation and effort is required for each member in preparation for the group Bible study. Group discussion prepares the mind and heart for the scripture memory verses that are integrated into each chapter. These verses in turn are a key to retention of the content.

Each chapter is designed to be reviewed and discussed in at least two separate group sessions. The first section of each chapter covers the basic truth of the Bible book under study. The second section includes other portions of the New and Old Testaments. That way a balanced viewpoint can be achieved.

Designed For Transformation

The style and type of questions are inter-changed frequently. That way the information within the passages is explored-and its meaning and application is understood. Because of this, the students are required to think more deeply and grapple with the content and purpose of the scriptures. This demands more from the leader, to draw from the group more than in a traditional Bible study.

The truths of the Word of God must be processed through the mind and heart in order to transform the character. Loving accountability becomes natural in such groups. The Apostle Paul pleaded emphatically for this process: "Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God re-mold your mind from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all His demands and moves toward the goal of true maturity." Romans 12:2 (Phillips)

We are delighted to make this series of Bible studies available to you. We hope they will meet your personal needs and become a valuable tool in your disciplemaking ministry.

These studies can be obtained at the Reach office, contact us.

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Walk through a Christian bookstore in any Filipino city and many of the materials you see are imported from rich, Western countries. Even when translated they may not speak to Filipino conditions. Therefore, we felt an urgent need for materials written by Filipinos for Filipinos, that incorporate the rich Filipino heritage into conveying discipleship principles.

Therefore, we developed the Discipleship Family Series. This is a progressive book series to help a new Christian's growth to discipleship. Each book is in both Tagalog and English and has a question-and-answer format based on a Biblical passage. 

Each session is a two-part study. The main study is focused on the passage. The second study is a cultural observation section entitled Good News For Filipinos

The third part of each study is Scripture verses to be memorized. Each chapter has  thought provoking quotations and illustrations about the study.

There are nine Bible studies in the DISCIPLESHIP FAMILY SERIES:

DILEMMA OF CHOICE - (An Introduction)

  • Have You Met Yourself?
  • Who Claps For You?
  • What Moral Patterns Do You Follow?
  • Master or Slave?
  • What Is Love?
  • What Is True Success?


Based on John's gospel.

  • Our New Self In Christ
  • God, Our Heavenly Father
  • A Shepherd For Wandering Sheep
  • The Holy Spirit: Our Permanent Companion
  • Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Suggestions on How to do Bible study are included.


Based on 1 John.

    • Relationship Not Religion
    • Forgiveness Not Self-Punishment
    • Inside Not Outside
    • Spirit of God Not Spirit of Antichrist.
    • Assurance Not Doubt


Based on 1 Thessalonians this study emphasizes five Filipino attitudes that hinder spiritual.

  • Continuing as a Disciple
  • Approved by Whom?
  • What to Prepare for
  • Responsible Christian Love
  • The King is Coming!


Based on Philippians

    • Test of Time
    • Test of Personal Convictions
    • Test of Service
    • Test of Growth
    • Test of Finances


Based on James and Five Truths About the Bible.

    • Aiming For Maturity
    • Putting Faith to Work
    • Taming the Tongue
    • Overcoming the World
    • Facing Life's Perplexities




Books 6-8 introduce and reinforce personal Bible study skill through studying Romans. Special studies focus on six Christian doctrines.


Life Abundant Memory Program (LAMP I and II) are a Scripture memory programs in both Tagalog and English.

High School evangelistic material, in Tagalog and English

Evangelistic tract, Tagalog and English


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 This page has some computer bible study helps. They are divided into ON LINE helps and PC software. The PC software is to used of line and the ON LINE helps are
available when accessing the Internet. 

               PC SOFTWARE 
                         PC Study Bible 
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