Silent Night Museum and World Research Center with text, notation, and illustrations relating the history of the Christmas hymn, Silent Night!

On December 10, 2000, Christmas Historian Bill Egan was presented
the Gold Medal of Honor of the Republic of Austria for his "Silent Night" research
and the dissemination of Austrian culture.

Silent Night Museum

This cyber-museum was created by historian Bill Egan to provide a world wide audience with the true story behind the composition of "Silent Night" and learn about its creators, Joseph Mohr and Franz Gruber.

Legends Obscure True Story

"Silent Night" has become an anchor for Christmas celebrations throughout the world. Its lullaby-like melody and simple message of heavenly peace can be heard from small town street corners in mid-America to magnificent cathedrals in Europe and from outdoor candlelight concerts in Australia to palm thatched huts in northern Peru.

During the 182 year history of the world's best loved carol, many legends have been created by well-meaning people to convey the story of how "Stille Nacht" was created. Research during the latter half of the 20th Century has added a great deal of knowledge about the creation of this hymn of heavenly peace.

The information contained in this cyber-museum is the most up-to-date available and has been authenticated by researchers and historians.


  • Words written by Fr. Joseph Mohr in Mariapfarr, Austria - 1816

  • Melody added by Franz X. Gruber in Arnsdorf, Austria - 1818

  • First performance in Oberndorf, Austria - 1818


click on door to enter

Museum Main Page
E-mail Curator
Museum Directory
Mohr Gallery
Gruber Gallery
Mauracher Gallery
Strasser-Rainer Gallery
St. Nicholas Church
Mary of the Moor Church
Silent Night Chapel
Salzburg Connection
Museum News
Gruber's Music
Silent Night Links
War & Remembrance
The Experts!
Silent Night Media Center
Silent Night Association


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