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Funny AOL Conversations
A Brand New feature, No way related to the story line, But really more how Me, Joey, Robbie and maybe even Kiki have really dumb convo's with people. (or eachother).

XoXoRaChYloXoX: Hey.
Quake Mist: hi
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Whats up?
Quake Mist: not much...doing math work..
XoXoRaChYloXoX: So whats up?
Quake Mist: didn't you already ask me that?
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Oh, my bad.
Quake Mist: whats up with YOU?
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Nothing I am on the phone with Sam Case.
Quake Mist: fascinating
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Yea very, I dont know what she is talking about.
Quake Mist: tell her I said....
Quake Mist: "The Sky is the color of hot coffee when the rains die down"
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Ok.
Quake Mist: she will know what I mean.
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Ok.
XoXoRaChYloXoX: She dont know what you mean.
Quake Mist: exactly.
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Your stupid from Sam.
Quake Mist: This is true.
Quake Mist: But atleast I have a penis.
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Your dumb.
Quake Mist: I know you are. But what Am i?
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Dumd.
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Dumb*
Quake Mist: I know that you are dumb, BUT WHAT AM I?
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Your gay, and I dont mean happy.
Quake Mist: I'm Not gay, Or happy.
Quake Mist: And...I KNOW YOU ARE, BUT WHAT AM I?!
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Shut up!
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Leave alone you meanie!!!
Quake Mist: WHORE
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Me*
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Dickless.
Quake Mist: Vaginaless Bitch
XoXoRaChYloXoX: Not cool.
Quake Mist: I know Im not, But what are you?
XoXoRaChYloXoX: The queen.
Quake Mist: coughmyasscough
XoXoRaChYloXoX: ha ha
Quake Mist: Why do you continue to pester me with your uselessness?
XoXoRaChYloXoX: With an hug and a kiss I am out like this.
Quake Mist: thats from sailor moon...My god you're lame

Funny Convo 2: With Me and Kiki's friend Tati

Quake Mist: i'm bored and alone..I wish Kiki was on..Or something, anyone..I wish my mom would come home so I could have someone to talk to or something
zXtatiXz: u should call kiki
Quake Mist: 1. shes grounded and I couldn't if I wanted too..
2. That would be me calling a girl...I can't do that..
zXtatiXz: lol
Quake Mist: I'd be way to nervous to call her
zXtatiXz: call and pretend your someone else and see if she can tell
Quake Mist: I'd feel odd...
zXtatiXz: r u calling
Quake Mist: no...
zXtatiXz: call!!!!!!!
Quake Mist: I can't
zXtatiXz: yes u can
Quake Mist: no I can't...
zXtatiXz: u can tell her i forced u too
Quake Mist: But she knows only she can force me to do stuff...
zXtatiXz: u can pretend
Quake Mist: I'm too scared..I'm shaking just thinking about it...
zXtatiXz: just do it
zXtatiXz: it'll be good
Quake Mist: I CANT
zXtatiXz: yes u can
Quake Mist: Why dont you understand tht I cant Call girls?!
zXtatiXz: call me
Quake Mist: You already know I'm calling!
zXtatiXz: lol
Quake Mist: That would be pointless!
zXtatiXz: wut
Quake Mist: this would be calling her for no reason!!
Quake Mist: out of no where!
zXtatiXz: no it would be calling and saying u were bored
Quake Mist: Like...Calling her on the phone...I can't do it..
zXtatiXz: yes u can
Quake Mist: if I call you will you leave me alone?
zXtatiXz: no
Quake Mist: why?
zXtatiXz: because u must call kiki
Quake Mist: Whyy.??
zXtatiXz: beacause i said so
Quake Mist: I'm scared...
zXtatiXz: sooo
Quake Mist: Can we continue this arguement on the phone So I dont havta type and I can cure my lonliness?
zXtatiXz: u must overcome your fears
zXtatiXz: lol
Quake Mist: but dame is a pussy!
zXtatiXz: i dont care
Quake Mist: I do!!!!
zXtatiXz: doesnt matter at this point
Quake Mist: lol call me and yell at me, maybe it'll get the message in my head that way
zXtatiXz: lol
zXtatiXz: u call
Quake Mist: oh my mom is on her way upstairs...I dont think I could call anyway
Quake Mist: brb I need to help her
zXtatiXz: ok
Quake Mist: lol
Quake Mist: If YOU call then I can say its joey and she won't be suspcious of who I'm talking too...
zXtatiXz: she has caller id
Quake Mist: NO I MEAN MY MOM
Quake Mist: lol
Quake Mist: I meant You call me to yell at me
zXtatiXz: i'm so confused
Quake Mist: lol ok...
Quake Mist: You want me to call Kiki, I'm nervous, so I'm telling you to call me and yell at me until I give in and call Kiki, But if I call you my mom will be suspcious and ask me alot of questions
Quake Mist: but if You call me then I can say its Joey or Richard
zXtatiXz: oh lol
zXtatiXz: no u must call me
Quake Mist: lol why!?!??!?!?!?!?
zXtatiXz: because u must call at least me today
Quake Mist: lol...
Quake Mist: hold on
zXtatiXz: ok
Quake Mist: ok my mom is gonna take a nap so when she starts laying down I'll call ok..?
zXtatiXz: lol ok
Quake Mist: are you gonna be the one who picks up?
zXtatiXz: yeah
Quake Mist: or am I gonna havta ask for you?
zXtatiXz: no i'll answer
Quake Mist: you better!
Quake Mist: or else i'll havta bust a cap
zXtatiXz: lmao
Quake Mist: My god this is gonna be horrible
zXtatiXz: lol
Quake Mist: i'm gonna stutter alot!
Quake Mist: and laugh nervously continuously!
zXtatiXz: lol
zXtatiXz: ok
Quake Mist: and sound stupid!
zXtatiXz: well it'll be interesting
Quake Mist: and then if I do call Kiki i'll sound worse and then she'll say "Wow what a nerd he can't even talk to me on the phone!"
zXtatiXz: lol so
Quake Mist: and then she'll hate me for years and years until I become rich and famous and then she;ll be all like "Wow hes rich so maybe i'll get him to like me again" and then it'll be a sham relationship!
zXtatiXz: lol
zXtatiXz: you overeact too much
Quake Mist: and and and and...then the dinosaurs will come back and eat us all and breed with our women to form SUPER DINOSAURS!!!!
zXtatiXz: +r
zXtatiXz: lol
Quake Mist: lol this conversation is FUCKED UP this is going on my website
zXtatiXz: y
Quake Mist: cause I post weird Conversations on my website
zXtatiXz: its not that strange
Quake Mist: lol yea it is
Quake Mist: Come on now, Super Dinosaurs? What were you thinking Tati?
zXtatiXz: lol
Quake Mist: lol
zXtatiXz: about them taking over the world
zXtatiXz: wut else
Quake Mist: Well, they also have 9 eyes.
Quake Mist: and human arms and legs
zXtatiXz: lol
Quake Mist: and their tails have heads on them and they scream "Awhooooo"
zXtatiXz: they're not really super dinosaurs then
Quake Mist: Yes they are!
zXtatiXz: they're human dinosaurs
Quake Mist: they have capes!
Quake Mist: and they fly!
Quake Mist: and their called super dinosaurs awhooooo!
zXtatiXz: lol
zXtatiXz: whatever u say
Quake Mist: lol
Quake Mist: I say alot of things
zXtatiXz: lol
Quake Mist: Lemme go check on my mom
zXtatiXz: lol ok
Quake Mist: shes awake
Quake Mist: But still, think of all the horrible stuff thats gonna happen because I call Kiki on the phone
Quake Mist: the world would fall under a reign of eternal darkness! and scream awhooooooo!!!
zXtatiXz: lol ok when u call i'm gonna 3 way her
Quake Mist: NO
Quake Mist: NO!!
zXtatiXz: lol
zXtatiXz: your so fun
Quake Mist: what?!?!
zXtatiXz: this is entertaining
zXtatiXz: me
zXtatiXz: this whole conversation
zXtatiXz: lol no
zXtatiXz: but this is interesting
Quake Mist: fo' gettabout it.
zXtatiXz: i've never met anyone afraid to call someone else as bad as u r
Quake Mist: I'm just say, capiece?
Quake Mist: shy*
Quake Mist: not say lol...
zXtatiXz: oh lol
Quake Mist: makes alot more sense doesnt it?
zXtatiXz: lol yeah
Quake Mist: lol i talked like a mafia guy
zXtatiXz: all the time?
Quake Mist: lol no just now
zXtatiXz: oh lol
Quake Mist: Capiece, Fo'Getta Bout it, all that is how mafia guys talk
zXtatiXz: oooh lol
Quake Mist: lol do you know what Capiece means?
zXtatiXz: yeah
Quake Mist: good!
zXtatiXz: lol
Quake Mist: 962-3252?
zXtatiXz: yup
Quake Mist: all i gotta do is hit the little grean button...
zXtatiXz: lol
Quake Mist: c'mon've come this far...
zXtatiXz: lol
Quake Mist: my thumb is just circling the button...
zXtatiXz: lol
zXtatiXz: so weak
Quake Mist: if you're trying to anger me into calling it doesnt work
zXtatiXz: lol damn

Funny Conversation 3: Me and Bryan
UltimaKnuckles: you know its odd, tonight just doesn't feel right.
Quake Mist: why?
UltimaKnuckles: i can't explain it.....i don't understand it myself
Quake Mist: I know how you feel
Quake Mist: I've had the same feeling.
UltimaKnuckles: it sucks
Quake Mist: I know.
UltimaKnuckles: i may just go pass out
Quake Mist: lol
Quake Mist: well by the time you get on tomorrow, Chapter 15 will be up ;-)
UltimaKnuckles: better be -_- or there will be hell to pay!
Quake Mist: lol
Quake Mist: I'm almost done
Quake Mist: I just got put in a fight scene and it will be up.
UltimaKnuckles: alrighty
Quake Mist: brb
UltimaKnuckles: ok

Auto response from Quake Mist: I am not here. I am busy playing with my pen. No I do not mean my penis, I mean my blue eraseable pen. Currently Penman is on a mission to Dame's Dresserland to battle Godzilla, Omega Weapon and Daffy Duck. GO PEN GO! I should be back shortly...But to tell the truth I could really give a damn about any of you! Well..maybe some of You I give a damn about...BUT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

UltimaKnuckles: omega will own your silly pen!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
Quake Mist: Pennman won
UltimaKnuckles: damn@!
Quake Mist: lol
UltimaKnuckles: omega had 1,000,000 hp
UltimaKnuckles: he would pwn sora :-(
Quake Mist: Penman knows Lionheart, Omni-Slash, Final-Attack-Phoenix, Ultima, Eden, KoTR, Ark...
UltimaKnuckles: god, whats ark from?
Quake Mist: FF9
UltimaKnuckles: oooh derrr!
UltimaKnuckles: pen is godly...
Quake Mist: yes he is.
UltimaKnuckles: ruby weapon could beat em.
Quake Mist: He also has the UltimaLionHeartWeapon
UltimaKnuckles: still, he wouldn;t hurt ruby, and ruby would take all his mana
UltimaKnuckles: making him powerless.
UltimaKnuckles: i hate ruby >_<
Quake Mist: Pen's Limit breaks are considered Energy Attacks
Quake Mist: so OmniLionSlash would do 9999 60 times
UltimaKnuckles: lol
Quake Mist: lol
UltimaKnuckles: he is godly...
Quake Mist: yes i know
UltimaKnuckles: the garbage disposal can beat him.....
UltimaKnuckles: its immune to magic, and physical.
Quake Mist: He knows Garbage jammer
UltimaKnuckles: the lawnmower?
Quake Mist: Mowkill
UltimaKnuckles: kiki tells you to give it over, then snaps it in half?
UltimaKnuckles: haha u cannot defend against kiki!
Quake Mist: Kiki is my only weakness...
Quake Mist: She'd be too lazy to snap him!!!
UltimaKnuckles: lmao
Quake Mist: lmao
UltimaKnuckles: damn!
UltimaKnuckles: *devises  plans*
UltimaKnuckles: what if....while you, the source of pen man's power were away, you mom came and accidently put him in the washer.
Quake Mist: He has survived it many times before.
UltimaKnuckles: impressive.
Quake Mist: hes survived the dryer too.
UltimaKnuckles: wow, he IS strong
Quake Mist: I know.
Quake Mist: I think I'm gonna put this convo on the website
Quake Mist: We're talking about a Pen, I think that dubs it retarded enough to go on the site lol.
UltimaKnuckles: lmao...not until i bring my enchanted box of tooth pics into it!
Quake Mist: *GASP* enchanted box of tooth pics?!?!?!!
UltimaKnuckles: yesyes!!! they ave the power to multiply themselves infintily.
Quake Mist: OH YEA WELL...
UltimaKnuckles: and if you cut one up, each one grows to full length
UltimaKnuckles: i'd HAVE no EFFECT! each subatomic particle you blasted them into would grow anew!!!!
Quake Mist: NOOOOO
Quake Mist: Well Penman...has...De-Multiply attack!
Quake Mist: He makes them all un-multiply.
UltimaKnuckles: they ARE like rabbits you cannot stop their multiplying
Quake Mist: Like Chinese people?
UltimaKnuckles: YES their homeplanet "Ol' Redwood" is so over crowded, the evil "saws" are destroying it,
Quake Mist: My god...
UltimaKnuckles: and enslaving all the tooth pics
Quake Mist: Well Penman can use...Saw Blade...and enslave them.
UltimaKnuckles: these my friend, were dipped in radiation they are immune to saws.
Quake Mist: Well he has an Anti-Radiation breaker shield.
UltimaKnuckles: its in their dna, they ARE radiation try all u want, they cannot be destroyed.
Quake Mist: Hmm...Maybe they should join forces with Penman.
Quake Mist: he needs stupid lackies that he can push around make them do his bidding
UltimaKnuckles: WHAT!? stupid lackies!!!! HOW DARE PENMAN!!!!! INFINITY NEEDLE
Quake Mist: PEN SHIELD!
Quake Mist: *Penman makes a shield of pens around his body*
UltimaKnuckles: *toothpics shootout of the ground under penman*
Quake Mist: *enman flies away*
Quake Mist: pen*
UltimaKnuckles: Bwahahahaha
Quake Mist: *puts penman in his backpack*
UltimaKnuckles: *teleports away to plot*
UltimaKnuckles: lol, that was fun!
Quake Mist: lol yes it was.
UltimaKnuckles: we gotta elaborate on that sometime
Quake Mist: lol definately.
Quake Mist: This is totally going on the website.
Quake Mist: Me and Kiki had a whole conversation in 1337, i was gonna post it, but I forgot to save the convo
UltimaKnuckles: what is 1337 speak anyway?
Quake Mist: i 0wnz j00 is very basic 1337
UltimaKnuckles: THATS 1337!>?
Quake Mist: barely

Quake Mist: Speaking FLUENT Leet would be: !0\/\/|\|z j00
UltimaKnuckles: i >j00....  r0><0rs j00 b0><0rs?
Quake Mist: lol I'll send you my Leet encyclopedia
Quake Mist wants to directly connect.
UltimaKnuckles is now directly connected.
Quake Mist:
UltimaKnuckles: i'mma talk like that to that girl i like
Quake Mist: lol
Quake Mist: that has every letter, and a few sentences
Quake Mist: Kiki and Tati taught me it
UltimaKnuckles: she hasa b/f :-(
Quake Mist: that sucks
UltimaKnuckles: yea but its ok
Quake Mist: yea
UltimaKnuckles:  <3
UltimaKnuckles: is fuck that?
Quake Mist: lol no
UltimaKnuckles: |=(_)(|
UltimaKnuckles: that one?
Quake Mist: Hold on let me explain
UltimaKnuckles: OOOH i get it
UltimaKnuckles: i get it
UltimaKnuckles: i get it
UltimaKnuckles: |= is F
UltimaKnuckles: (_) is U
Quake Mist: Yea
Quake Mist: ( is C
Quake Mist: |< is K
UltimaKnuckles: |-|3`/ 5(_)p?
Quake Mist: 712`/!|\|6 70 |=!|\|!5|-| (|-| 15
UltimaKnuckles: (00 !7 \/\/!11 120><0125
Quake Mist: 101
UltimaKnuckles: that takes forever.
Quake Mist: I know.
Quake Mist: A guy from game faqs IMed me and now hes interested in my site
UltimaKnuckles: sweet.
Quake Mist: I'm starting a following like crazy.
Quake Mist: I had that whole leet conversation with Kiki while doing my math homework.
UltimaKnuckles: break out the cult hoods
Quake Mist: lol
Quake Mist: not yet, First I gotta poison the Kool-aid.
Quake Mist: Kiki loves the story, which is surprising. I didnt think any girls would like it
Quake Mist: she begs me to update it everyday
UltimaKnuckles: lol did you see the family guy with the posioed cool aid?
Quake Mist: lol no
UltimaKnuckles: posioned*
UltimaKnuckles: oooo kool-aid!
Quake Mist: lol
UltimaKnuckles: kiki likes teh story? sweet
Quake Mist: Well she IS a character lol..
Quake Mist: lol she better like the story!
UltimaKnuckles: lol.
Quake Mist: I'm almost done with Chapter 15
UltimaKnuckles: cool
Quake Mist: Ok I'm gonna update it now, first lemme post this convo.

This is me with Joey's girlfriend Jackie.

xvScarred4Lifevx: hey commander!
Quake Mist: heeeey
Quake Mist: The Klit is my home, the klit is where I make my base of operation. all hail me.
xvScarred4Lifevx: lolol
Quake Mist: lol
Quake Mist: how come you havent called me?
xvScarred4Lifevx: u nut
Quake Mist: yes, i've got two :-)
Quake Mist: joey has three. radiation accident. long story.
xvScarred4Lifevx: lolol
xvScarred4Lifevx: no he doesnt
Quake Mist: does too, I saw em yesterdat
xvScarred4Lifevx: yeah ok
Quake Mist: Uh huh he does
Quake Mist: he got into a radiation accident yesterday. hes a super hero. E-3 the extra terriestrial testical.
xvScarred4Lifevx: lolol
Quake Mist: his super powers include flying, hitting people with his massive junk, banging random women, and then getting wasted on pcps
xvScarred4Lifevx: pcps??
Quake Mist: yep.
Quake Mist: they're a type of drug
xvScarred4Lifevx: ohhhhhhh ok
Quake Mist: yep.
Quake Mist: He also has abnormal hair growths.
xvScarred4Lifevx: lolol no he doesnt
xvScarred4Lifevx: hey i gotta go commander
Quake Mist: yes he does
xvScarred4Lifevx: :-(
Quake Mist: byebye Commandee

Me and Kiki go at it

Quake Mist: lol I just freaked out that woman by telling her our nextdoor neighbors are cultists and my other neighbor walks around at night in the shadows
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: lol
Quake Mist: My mom said: "Dont listen to him, hes an ass! and Nick isnt in a cult hes just a wussy fatass"
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: lol
Quake Mist: lol...i still havent even started #3
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: LOL work!
Quake Mist: lol you're the one who took 6 days to that one thingy
Quake Mist: so pfft to you
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: pffft
Quake Mist: pfffft

Quake Mist: How dare you fill my IM with darkness
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: ::evil laughter::
Quake Mist: pfffft
Quake Mist: evil baboon creature
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: how dare you call me a.. a.... BABOON
Quake Mist: BABOOON!!! ::POINTS::
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: you shall pay for that!
Quake Mist: never!
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: ::sticks out hand:: gimme a dollar
Quake Mist: ::GASP::

Quake Mist: you...bastard..
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: ::sticks out tongue:: pfft
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: ur just jealous of my shiny red arse
Quake Mist: lmao.
Quake Mist: that I am. ::smacks her shiny red butt::
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: ::whips him with her tail that grows out of her shiny red butt::
Quake Mist: ow!
Quake Mist: ::whacks her with an...ONION!::
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: noooooooo
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: not an ONION!!
Quake Mist: ::Shoves the onion in her mouth::
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: anything but that
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: im melting! im melting! i fee like... butter
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: ::is a puddle::
Quake Mist: ::And Puts Mayonaise and Ketchup on the onion::
Quake Mist: ::Takes out a straw and drinks puddle-kiki::
Quake Mist: Mmmm... Taste like Slurpees.
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: how dare u use a STRAW to drink me!!
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: everyone knos that to drink a kiki puddle u must use a hollowed out ... um....
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: finger
Quake Mist: Sorry charlie, but it doesnt work that way
Quake Mist: I won, so I chose the weapon to drink you with
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: nope
Quake Mist: yup.
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: fraid not
Quake Mist: fraid so.
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: nuh uh
Quake Mist: yes huh
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: u used a finger.. u thought it was a straw but it was a pinky
Quake Mist: Guess I can tell Rob I found his pinky...
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: who said it was his?
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: it was yo' momma's
Quake Mist: my mommas dead :P
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: you lie
Quake Mist: i tell the truth
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: she just called you a dickhead.. how can she ne dead?
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: be
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: not ne
Quake Mist: Shut up you're too dumb to know that
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: i am not
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: im kiki... the GENIUS!!
Quake Mist: hahahahahhaha
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: pffft
Quake Mist: More like Kiki the retard
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: go suck a monkey
Quake Mist: Go suck a baboon
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: what do u think i've been doing?!
Quake Mist: That was a gorilla you dope!
Quake Mist: learn your primates!
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: shows how much u know!
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: i was having an orgy at the zoo..
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: oh yeah...
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: well u dont interact enough
Quake Mist: Hey it was my first animal orgy
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: u need to learn that there are better animals than ur dogs
Quake Mist: pfft
Quake Mist: like sheep?
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: sheep are ok... i was talking more along the lines of a blue footed booby
Quake Mist: personally I like fish.
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: eww scales
Quake Mist: But the north american titmouse isnt bad either.
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: birds are better
Quake Mist: only sometimes
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: cus they have feathers
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: and wings
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: wings... hehe
Quake Mist: Yea but their feathers stick to the semen...
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: so.
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: that makes things moe interesting
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: elephants are good too
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: and i love kangaroos.. especially babies... yup.. i sure do love them joeys
Quake Mist: ...
Quake Mist: oh yea?! Well baltic squids can suck you like theres no tomorrow...
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: yeah well theres this eel named robbie that could outsuck ur squids anyday
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: oh and we cant forget neil.... that adorable little squirrel
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: he likes nuts..
Quake Mist: Yea well theres a seal named Tati who would kill all your animals
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: yea tatis ok... i guess
Quake Mist: and a catepillar named stringy who would poison your squirrel
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: brb i must feast on the roasted cow ass that sits og my table..
Quake Mist: Yea well I gotta do my math and post this Fucked up convo on the website
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: oh and by the way.. stringys a butterfly now...
Quake Mist: ::glare::
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: ::wiggles::
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: i gotta PEEEEE
Quake Mist: lovely
sOmEThiNgQwErTy: wanna watch?;-)  Quake Mist: lovely.. ::a look of disgust comes across her face:: u pervert!
Quake Mist: What?!

Me and Kiki's Friend Louis (Better known as Lulu) Having a very odd convo...

BlackPlague637: But all in all...
BlackPlague637: Will you go out with me?
BlackPlague637: :-P
Quake Mist: Of course I will! :-P
Quake Mist: lol something tells me i'm fucked.
BlackPlague637: .Yes By Me:-P
BlackPlague637: KIDDING!!!
Quake Mist: lol besides that
BlackPlague637: Your my bitch
BlackPlague637: :-P
Quake Mist: I'm Kiki's bitch
BlackPlague637: Wait, I'm going out with you, your my bitch!!
BlackPlague637: :-P
Quake Mist: too bad I'm breaking up with you
Quake Mist: :-P
BlackPlague637: NOOOOO!!
BlackPlague637: :-P
Quake Mist: find yourself another bitch
BlackPlague637: But it was the best damn 5 minutes of my life!!
BlackPlague637: :-P
Quake Mist: you know it baby
BlackPlague637: Lol, ok, lets stop right now
Quake Mist: lol no its funny
Quake Mist: I'm putting this on my website

Me and Joey having our daily argument

D  J  p0ssyfert: bitch
Quake Mist: whore
D  J  p0ssyfert: slut
Quake Mist: mexican
D  J  p0ssyfert: cum guzzler
Quake Mist: canadian
D  J  p0ssyfert: arab
Quake Mist: NONtoken Black guy
D  J  p0ssyfert: dick licker
Quake Mist: inverteabrae
D  J  p0ssyfert: whore
Quake Mist: I said that one already Pig Fucker
D  J  p0ssyfert: ur getting pwned from 2 directions
Quake Mist: lmao
Quake Mist: ooooh total ownage being delivered from the joe joe bear
D  J  p0ssyfert: erm no
Quake Mist: lmao
D  J  p0ssyfert: god ur such a newb
Quake Mist: i think you're the n00b here
Quake Mist: if you're gonna use 1337 terms, atleast get em right
D  J  p0ssyfert: im to 1337 for you
Quake Mist: oh god you wanna go 1337 right now byatch?
D  J  p0ssyfert: l37z g0 b107c|=|
Quake Mist: lol dude you're terrible at leet....what the hell is btz supposed to mean?
D  J  p0ssyfert: letz go bitoch
D  J  p0ssyfert: newb
D  J  p0ssyfert: god
Quake Mist: Then why do you use b in biotch instead of 13?
D  J  p0ssyfert: lol

I randomly IMed someone named Lauren...

Quake Mist: Hey you';re that girl lauren from school arent ya?
wildbabe8546: yah
Quake Mist: Wassup?
wildbabe8546: who is this
Quake Mist: The guy who sits behind you in second hour
wildbabe8546: what is ur name
Quake Mist: You're friend gave me your sn cause I kinda like you...
wildbabe8546: who is my friend
Quake Mist: AJ
wildbabe8546: the 1 that sleeps all the time
Quake Mist: Yeah.
wildbabe8546: i dnt think that this is him cuz t tell u th truth he can barley do math and ur typing like perfect
Quake Mist: Just cause I'm bad at math doesn't mean I dont type alot
wildbabe8546: who is my friend that gav u my s/n
Quake Mist wants to directly connect.
Quake Mist cancels request; no connection was made.
Quake Mist: I told you, AJ gave it to me
wildbabe8546: aj gav u my s/n
wildbabe8546: but who is this
Quake Mist: The guy in second hour!
wildbabe8546: wait who likes me
Quake Mist: ME
wildbabe8546: who is me
Quake Mist: Oh my god...I was gonna ask you out but jesus christ woman DO YOU HAVE A BRAIN!?
wildbabe8546: i am confused
wildbabe8546: ok who gave u my s/n and who is this
wildbabe8546: just snswer that
Quake Mist: AJ gave me you're screen name and would you know my name if I told you it
wildbabe8546: uyah prolly
wildbabe8546: wut is ur name
Quake Mist: what do you think my name is?
Quake Mist: I dont think you know it
wildbabe8546: well wut is it
Quake Mist: You tell me, I dont believe you know it
wildbabe8546: i no i dnt
wildbabe8546: if i new who this was i wuldnt be askin
wildbabe8546: and how in the hell did aj no my s/n
Quake Mist: No idea but he told me your sn.
Quake Mist: My name is John
wildbabe8546: John who
wildbabe8546: do u go to my school
Quake Mist: oh my god...I SIT BEHIND YOU IN 2nd PERIOD
wildbabe8546: that is aj
wildbabe8546: aj sits behind me in second PERIOD
Quake Mist: No stupid, the teacher switched us
wildbabe8546: noooooooooo
Quake Mist: Yeeeeeeessss
wildbabe8546: ok aj was just behind me on friday
wildbabe8546: omg so aj likes me
Quake Mist: Yes...its true...
wildbabe8546: ewwwwww
wildbabe8546: i am lost
Quake Mist: I'm sorry I never told you...
wildbabe8546: i noticed
wildbabe8546: how did u get this s/n
Quake Mist: I just couldn't help it...I see you in my dreams...
Quake Mist: I want to marry you...
wildbabe8546:  kk well i no that this is a joke and i have to go now i have better things to do then talk to sum pscyo that has no idea what they r talkin abut
Quake Mist: I'm actually stoned
Quake Mist: and masturbating
Quake Mist: so yeah.
wildbabe8546: this is damin
Quake Mist: wrong
wildbabe8546: right
Quake Mist: its actually spelled DamiAn
wildbabe8546: i am lookin at ur profile
Quake Mist: Spell it right
wildbabe8546: well w/e
Quake Mist: i HATE when people spell my name wrong
wildbabe8546: i am srry
Quake Mist: Its alright.
wildbabe8546: how did u no aj sat behind me in my dreams
Quake Mist: I saw the name AJ in your profile and got REALLY REALLY lucky.
wildbabe8546: well he sits behind me in math
wildbabe8546: lol
Quake Mist: lol
wildbabe8546: and h is really gay
Quake Mist: lmao
wildbabe8546: yah how di du get this s/n tho
Quake Mist: My friend knows a girl named Lauren, and we were talking about I typed Lauren in the Buddy wizard
wildbabe8546: oo i c
wildbabe8546: so this is damian
Quake Mist: Yeah.
wildbabe8546: man i am goin to hit u on monday
Quake Mist: lmao
wildbabe8546: kristal is here and she said hey
Quake Mist: Um....Yeah I don't go to your school...
wildbabe8546: huh
Quake Mist: I do not go to your school, I randomly picked a person named Lauren
wildbabe8546: o ok
wildbabe8546: then bye
Quake Mist: lol but tell her I say hi.
wildbabe8546: ok that is ok

My Philosphy with Clarissa:
Quake Mist: I think God is boobs.
kAnGaRoOoOo1187: oh jesus
Quake Mist: the most powerful life form known to man.
Quake Mist: Boobs.
Quake Mist: The angels are just bras
kAnGaRoOoOo1187: haha
Quake Mist: But god, Giant Boobs.
Quake Mist: When I enter the pearly gates, I expect to be greeted by humungous tatas.
kAnGaRoOoOo1187: haha
kAnGaRoOoOo1187: y do u like boobs soo much
Quake Mist: because I'm a normal guy
kAnGaRoOoOo1187: ok?
Quake Mist: Guys like boobs
Quake Mist: especially me.
Quake Mist:  I praise them
kAnGaRoOoOo1187: oh god
Quake Mist: If I could just live in boobs for the rest of my life....I'd be....boobified
kAnGaRoOoOo1187: live in?
Quake Mist: yes.
Quake Mist: Live inside a pair of boobs
kAnGaRoOoOo1187: ok
Quake Mist: Hell I'd fit in your jagungas in no problem.
kAnGaRoOoOo1187: hahaha

Funny Convo with Bryan's whorish girlfriend Teresa:

Quake Mist: Heya. Member me? Bryan's friend Dame?
princesz0912: yeah hi
Quake Mist: How're you?
princesz0912: a little disturbed
princesz0912: u?
Quake Mist: ack...brb gotta walk doggie
princesz0912: bye
Quake Mist: back
princesz0912: k
Quake Mist: So, how has your life been?
princesz0912: great
Quake Mist: Wonderful!
princesz0912: yea
princesz0912: how about you
Quake Mist: Not so bad.
princesz0912: thats good
Quake Mist: Yep! Have you talked to him lately?
princesz0912: who?
Quake Mist: Bryan of course
princesz0912: im talking to him now
Quake Mist: Thats cool
princesz0912: yup
Quake Mist: he wants to get his nipples peirced
princesz0912: i know
princesz0912: lol
Quake Mist: I got my vagina peirced cause I was so easy that guys kept doing I got my vagina peirced together so guys couldn't get in there any more :-D
princesz0912: hmmmm
Quake Mist: Yeah. It hurt like whoa but now my friends dont think I'm a dirty slut since NO Guy can get in! ^^
princesz0912: ok
princesz0912: ummm
princesz0912: i dont think i can talk to you anymore
princesz0912: you scare me
Quake Mist: Cool.
Quake Mist: I like scaring people
Quake Mist: wanna see a picture of my vagina?
princesz0912: it workd
princesz0912: ed*
princesz0912: NO
Quake Mist: YES YOU DO
princesz0912: NO
princesz0912: noooo
Quake Mist: wheee VAGINA'S
Quake Mist: Ok how about you show me YOURs?
princesz0912: NOOOOOO
Quake Mist: Why!?!??!
princesz0912: nooooooooo
Quake Mist: You're so mean
princesz0912: no i aint
Quake Mist: and I wanted to have lesbian sex with you ;-(
Quake Mist: :'(*
princesz0912: OH NO
Quake Mist: WHY NOT?!?!?!
princesz0912: you are sick
Quake Mist: actually I have the flu thanks for asking can I get a blowjob now?
princesz0912: excuse me???
Quake Mist: Please?
princesz0912: or not
Quake Mist: WHY?! Jesus you whores are so mean. You give everyone else on the planet free sex...god how much is your going price byatch?!
princesz0912: a hell lot more than you could ever afford

princesz0912: so?
Quake Mist: Wow thats pretty bad. Alot of girls don't like being a whore
Quake Mist: you actually accept it
princesz0912: no but people just think i am so it dont matta
Quake Mist: Man, the reaper breathes heavy on your shoulder. Watch out for Syphilis, its a kick in the face
princesz0912: k
Quake Mist: I must dedicate my life to dressing up like a penis and yelling about protected sex so I dont see people getting..SYPHILIS THE EVIL RASH THAT MAKES YOU LOSE YOUR MARBLES
princesz0912: hmmmmm
Quake Mist: oooh oooh and you can dress up like a vagina and we can show 8 year olds how to have sex
princesz0912: no
Quake Mist: and then then then....we can play Target Practice with some milk ^^
princesz0912: i dont want shit to do with you
Quake Mist: Sure ya do
princesz0912: nope
Quake Mist: But I dont want to do shit either cause shit is like what comes outta your butt and smells bad and its oogie, I know cause I make cars out of my own fecal matter
princesz0912: you are disturbede
Quake Mist: I prefer the term mentally warped
Quake Mist: Or normal teenage boy works also'
princesz0912: oh no
princesz0912: you are not normal
Quake Mist: Then you have apparently not met too many male 14-17 year olds, and if you have then they keep their humor to themselves unlike myself
princesz0912: oh ive met plenty
Quake Mist: I'll say anything to a chick cause I'm just fuckin stupid like that
princesz0912: just none like you
Quake Mist: Cool
Quake Mist: I'm one of a kind
princesz0912: ur scary
princesz0912: im not so sure about that
princesz0912: oh sad
princesz0912: i cant talk to you anymore
Quake Mist: Sure ya can

Quake Mist: You unblocked me? That took some major balls there, hon.
princesz0912: yeah
princesz0912: i felt mean
Quake Mist: Wow. Aint that a bitch lmao. Even if you didnt feel mean, I have more sns then god himself
princesz0912: bryan told me
princesz0912: what is gods sn?
Quake Mist: Yep. He told me that he told you. You can NEVER escape the Dame.
Quake Mist: Gods sn is somethingqwerty
princesz0912: ur not god
Quake Mist: I never said I was, sweetheart.
Quake Mist:  I said the nipples on Kiki's feet are god. Or so she tells me
princesz0912: hmmm
princesz0912: interesting
Quake Mist: isnt it?