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Frequently Asked Questions
Here I will answer questions that are asked frequently. Ask them to me Via AIM or Email and I will answer.

Q. What is a Kensage?
A. A fighter mage. Kensai's are fighters also known as the sword saint. They dual class to mages so they can use swords, wear basic armor, and cast black magic.

Q. What is a Harper?
A. A Harper is also known as a Cleric. Clerics can be considered White mages. They specialize in: Healing, Polymorphing, Holy Magic, Raising the dead, and summoning creatures.

Q. Where did you come up with a name for all the cities and Malzakk and Maldrayo?
A. Joey helped me come up with the names of the cities, Malzakk came from a video game I played, the boss of the game was Malazak the Fire Wyern. Maldrayo I simply came up with.

Q. Can I be a character?
A. No.

Q. Why?
A. It is a major strain on my mind to draw the characters, find a way to put them into the story, make up their abilities, figure out a class, and all that other crap.

Q. Are all the characters based on Real people or made up?
A. All Four characters are based on real people, we all eat lunch together everyday at school.

Q. Is Kiki really her real name?
A. No, its a nick name, but we NEVER call her by her real name.

Q. Is Robbie really ask gay as you make him act?
A. Heh, No. And he doesn't talk like that either.

Q. Are you ever going to get to Malzakk?-(Submitted by Andrea)
A. Of course. But not for a while.

Q. Who is REALLY the bad guy Maldrayo or Malzakk?-(Submitted by Andrea)
A. Make your own conclusions for now, I don't want to spoil the ending.

Q. How do you know when you level up?-(Submitted by Andrea)
A. Yea... well um...Just like how Damian and Kiki suddenly know when they learn a new magic spell, their new level reveals itself to them.

Q. What is a Chromatic Demon?
A. A Chromatic Demon is a Huge Demonic creature that can shape shift itself to change its elemental status. Example: When it wants to be Fire Elemental, It'll be big and Red, with wings. Kind of Like a Devil. When its Ice elemental it will be blue, and look like its body is made of Diamonds, etc.

Q. How come Lych, Frost and Specter only pretend to have Damian kill the entire crew in Chapter 10?-(Submitted by Bryan)
A. Well, What did they have to gain by killing the crew? By making Damian look bad, it increases the chance that Joey Kiki and Robbie will fight him, giving them more time to head towards Necro Isle, besides the fact that everyone would have died anyway upon reaching the Island.

Q. Why does Frost hiss?-(Submitted by...ME!! I am actually asking people why they think he does this)
A. The Most logical answer comes from good Ol' Bryan: "It fits his evil personna, he acts like a snake, ruthless and slithery."

Q. Why don't the triplets die when they're defeated?
A. They're the sons of a Goddess, Thusly they can never really die.