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Pictures of Monsters and descriptions will be posted here

Dragons: The Strongest, Ultimate monster. These mystical creatures are incredibly powerful. Their skills are used for Mythril Armor.

Lesser Dragons: Lesser Dragons are apparently weaker then real dragons, they usually can't fly, and their breath attacks are slightly weaker. They are extremely rare in the world of Darnithias.

Basilisk: A demonic Snake/Bird Hybrid with a look that can cause any enemy to turn to stone. They are considered a Snake-God. Very powerful, but also very uncommon.

Wyrm: Wyrms are like dragons but much smaller, weaker and more common.

Yuan-Ti: A snake Creature who always carries a sword. Sometimes in a more powerful form that can cast magic.

Lesser Fire Elemental: A creature made of fire. No actual organs or living soul, this creature can only be killed by being extinguished.

Greater Fire Elemental: A Humanoid creature ignited in flames. Unlike lesser, they have organs and a living soul and can be killed either by being extinguished or having their life-force drained.

Wyvern: A huge dragon-related creature. These monsters usually have no arms/legs (some rare cases do) And are usually poisonous. Extremely dangerous.

Salamander: Fire Elemental Reptiles. They have a deadly breath of fire, and sometimes carry swords.

Silver Dragons: Silver Dragons are much stronger then most dragons, in the sense that they are very skilled when it comes to magical powers. Their skin is like iron, and their breath has healing or Damaging powers. Truly an amazing creature.

Drow Warrior: A drow warrior is an unmerciful creature of darkness. They are very skilled with weapons, magic and all other types of attacks. They are comparable to elves, except they are pure evil.

Hell Spawn: Creatures from the pits of hell themselves. Because they are such a rare site, some people think they are a Manifestation evil in its purest form. One of the strongest creatures known, yet rarely known at all.

Wraiths: Demons from the netherworlds, these undead creatures come back seeking vengeance on whatever it was that ended their life--killing everyone else in the process. They have no physical body, so attacks and weapons are pointless, and magic is nearly ineffective because of their strong mind.