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My Journal

RTS: 12:43 AM
I added some new pictures here and there, moved a bunch of pages to the Extra-Information page, and moved Robbie's page to the adventures page. I also changed Damian's costume for the time being.

RTS: 10:16 PM
A new Funny Conversation
-"omg yayness!!!"

RTS: 2:59 PM
somethingqwerty: you havent updated in forever
somethingqwerty: since robbie got old

Apparently Kiki claims I must update more often. The only thing I've added is                                                           but only members of internation Ragnarok Online would like to look at that. I've been working on Version II alot, and have made many pictures for it. Robbie and Joey's characters are still in question, but alot of other ideas are in there. Two more chapters of the currently story line and I'll begin work on Ver. II so keep waiting. The current Storyline is 223 pages.
-"Useless Crap=70741 p\/\/|\|4g3"

RTS: 4:43 AM
Happy Birthday Robbie!! Everyone's getting older except me!
Updated the Character page with little pixelated images. (Source Characters from iRO, International Ragnarok Online...But characters were made to SLIGHTLY resemeble the characters we have now.)
ALSO, Theres been some slight confusion about the Kensage class...we need to not use that anymore because that IS plagerizism. So, Damian's class has been changed to "Mercenary"
-"How often is he gonna change things? Aren't people confused enough?"

RTS: 8:54 PM
Updated the Real Pictures and for now, Useless Crap: Version II details..

RTS: 11:42 PM
All lists

RTS: 11:28 PM
Wow, what an Idiot I am...I forgot to mention that January 8th was Joey's 16th birthday! Happy Belated Birthday, Joey.

Both Picture pages updated

Updated Real Pictures and created Non-UCR Pictures

Updated Real Pictures

RTS: 8:19 AM
Arrgh, schools back! As for updates, I have put myself back on the characters page. All allies reached level 40 from the battle with Wrayth, and both level 5 White and Black magic has been posted. (Even though you won't be able to read a detailed description of us using it...)

RTS: 10:53 PM
I'm sorry...but I can no longer contunue update the story, as I intend on selling it someday when its finished. I'm sorry. The site will stay up, and pictures and such will be updated. For now, I've decided to upload IRL pictures.  Real Pictures

RTS: 2:00 PM
Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars

RTS: 7:29 PM
Happy New Years. Wow, I can't believe I finally updated. I will update again later today, but for now I re-wrote Chapter Two: The boys learn. This is pretty much an explination of everything in Darnithias. If you've read all the other extra info on the site, then this won't be anything new, but Kiki thought it would be a good idea to add so that people would undestand better. Later I will work on chapter 31.

RTS: 8:35 PM
I hope everyone had a happy holidays. I'm gonna try to work on Chapters 2/3 and Hopefully I'll be able to get them up soon...

RTS: 2:42 PM
I've moved all the chapters down, and added a new Chapter 2 and 3 (Not written yet) In which it is explained how Damian Joey and Robbie learn their powers.

RTS: 3:45 PM
Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle is up.

RTS: 4:47 PM
No updates till the 21st...(grounded)

RTS: 12:06 AM
A photo of Flame Kiki was taken, its on the Pictures Page. A picture of Aetescere was also Taken, shes on the Villians Page.

RTS: 4:26 PM
A Picture of Kiki's final weapon is on the Pictures page.

RTS: 2:25 am
I hope everyone had a good annual turkey day, or whatever you humans call it. But for now... Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion

RTS: 3:24 pm
We've become an affiliate with A website, their button-link is on the home page. It isnt a surprise that its a Nightmare before christmas website.

RTS: 5:00 am
I did some research and came up with a Beastiary to show you what the team sometimes has to put up with.

RTS: 10:46 PM
Joey has made us a new banner depicting the summons Cerberus, Phoenix and Leviathan. It is on the Homepage.

RTS: 4:00 am
Wrayth is on Damian's screen name Philosphizing... read the funny aol convos... Funny AOL Conversations

RTS: 12:23 AM
Well Well Well.... Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise Also, A new Picture on the Pictures Page. Of Robbies new Sword: The Masamune.

RTS: 6:06 PM
Wrayth's Quote has replaced Damian's. Listen to it on the Character page.

RTS: 3:00 AM
Wow. Nearly a full week since I updated.  Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel is up. The characters page has slightly been altered. Wow...I'm fucking tired...

RTS: Late (11:44 pm)
Useless Crap is not just a story anymore...                                                          

RTS: Late (10:46 pm)

RTS: Early Morning (4:19 AM)
Wow...Been a while, but many updates! Perhaps our Longest Chapter, Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion is ready. Robbie has a brand new look (As will most of the other characters at one point or another.) The Magic List has been updated with brand new spells for our favorite White and Black mages.

Its Kiki's Birthday!!!!! Happy Birthday Kiki!!!!

RTS: Afternoon (1:39 pm)
Finally, Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood is up! Also, Kiki's birthday is tomorrow! She's gonna be 15...Damn her! I slightly changed the                                                           Test..

RTS: Late Evening (11:30 pm)
New Funny Conversation...Chapter 24 will be up as soon as I can talk to Kiki about something, and then I'll get to work on 25.

RTS: Evening (9:30 pm)
Check out the Allies and Enemies page. I kinda updated a teensy bit.

RTS: Day Time (Roughly 4:30 pm)
Well It just came to my attention that Kiki technically isn't a Harper and that Harpers are NOT the same as Clerics, Harpers are the same as Druids. This has been changed.

Another Funny AOL Conversations

RTS: Evening (7:43 pm)
Added the symbol of Cerebus on the home page

RTS: Evening (6:26 pm)
New AOL convo.

RTS: Late Afternoon (4:53 pm)
No real updates, Andrea drew a picture for the Allies page.  Other then that, I'm taking a break. Oh, and I've updated the List.

RTS: Early Morning (1:00 am)
Check out the new About Us page

RTS: Early Morning (Midnight)
Well, Halloween is over, so Unfortunately all the scary pictures (except the ones below) are all gone. Don't worry, They'll be back next year. Until then, I will continue the story line and continue working on the up coming christmas decorations.

RTS: Afternoon (2:53 pm)
Check out our Holiday Plans
RTS: Halloweeeeeen
Happy Halloween! Check the About Us, Characters, Our Adventures, and the Contact Us pages for some silly halloween pictures

Whats Going on...The Characters Page is different...all the pictures look like they're...dressed for Halloween!  Check around the other pages of the sites for little pictures everywhere!!!!

RTS: Late Evening (9:55 pm)
Finished Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race

RTS: Very Early Morning (2:15 am)
Since the Brothers are no longer villians, they have been moved to the Allies Page. Several other villians are up. Their Alignment will also be changed to Chaotic Neutral.

RTS: Very Early Morning (1:00 am)
I updated the Abilities a bit, since Nuclear Nova has the natural ability to Light Dash, he doesn't need to learn it. Also, Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail has been put up.

RTS: Early Evening
Please do me a favor and click this link:

RTS: Early Evening
Changed Around the abilities a bit. For now on I'm gonna start putting a Rational Time Stamp on ever update so you know around what time I'm updating (Starting with this update)

New AOL conversation

Changed Kiki's Quote

Finally, nearly five hours after the last update, Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl has been written.

Kiki's level 3 White Magic List is up. I am working on chapter 21 now.

Updated the List.

The Majority of the Curse words have been taken out.

I'm gonna edit some things. For starters I'm gonna take major curse words out of the story, it'll make it nicer. I also changed the name of my Final attack so that it doesnt copy "Sin Harvest" from Kingdom hearts.

I fixed the pictures on the characters page a tad.


Read the revisions made to the Introduction

Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness has been written

Kiki's sound clip is up.

I would have made a new chapter but I've been on the phone with a friend all night... So yea...

I just realized...Since Kiki has the natural ability to raise the dead, she doesnt need the ability "Harpers Call" So it was replaced with "Pearl".

Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter is ready to be read.

More Fan-Art and Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter are up!!!

I changed the Abilities list a tad, I decided to change Damian's Level 50 ability (Demon Slice) To a Level 4 Magic attack. Instead I've given him an attack that is alot better.

Umm...I might be grounded VERY soon...for two weeks...if so then I'll see everyone in 14 days...I'll try to work on chapters during the weekend...

More Fan-Art by Andrea. Today's features the lovely Kiki and the ugly Joey and Robbie. Thanks Andrea!

Took me three hours but I just managed to create one of those personality quizzes... Here why don't you take it and tell me what you think:

After a bit of downtime, I finally was able to update the site.

Updated the List a bit.

My friend is over and I probably won't be making any updates. (Other people around sabotage my creativity) Oh and Andrea drew another picture..I like this one :)

I found a picture that resembles a Malzakk, check it out on the Villians Page.

A Friend of mine drew some Fan-Art. I'm gonna post it on a new page. If you have fan-art go ahead and email it to me (JPG. only please) and i'll post it.

Level Three Black Magic can now be found at the Magic List.

Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter is up.

Changed the color schemes a bit more, Now in Specter, Lych, Frost and Schizo's information are all color coded. I also added the Extra Information: Alignments

I changed the color scheme just a bit. My colors are now a more Orange Color. I also updated the Extra Information Page: Classes

Well, Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter Is now available for your reading pleasure. Enjoy.

New AOL conversation. This one is my good friend Bryan.

Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave Has just been written. Wow, I have alot of time on my hands. I already know how the next few chapters will turn out, shouldn't take me too long.

Current Characters whose voice you can hear:
Damian, Lych, Specter, Frost.

I'm gonna add in some voice clips of all the main characters, provided by the real people themselves. All we will say is our quote, but it'll be something. Of course,Specter, Lych and Frost will be done by me.

Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision is up.

A new Funny Aol Convo is up

Well its 4:00 Am. But guess what? Chapter Fourteen: Trapped is up. I also added a picture to the villians page, But dont look at it till you read Chapter Thirteen.

We have a new domain name. Now all you need to do is type: and You'll be directly linked to our main page!!

Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God is up.

Added a bit to Chapter 1.

I've decided to Skip school tomorrow, So I'll be working on the website tonite!

Sorry for lack of updates, but i've been incredibly busy and depressed. Fear not, I will try to upload chapter twelve by midweek. I already know what its about, so once I start I should be able to spit it out pretty quickly.

Made some necassary changes to chapter one. Its now much more like it should be.

Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan Go read it!

Working on chapter 11. Should be up soon enough.

I updated the Villian Info slightly and added two questions to the FAQs.

Chapter Eleven: Domination is up.

Added Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter Ten: Seabound Again is up.

Slipping into insanity....

I put how much MP each magical attack costs on the Magic List

Take a break from the StoryLine and read some Funny AOL Conversations

Added Chapter Nine: More Unfolds

I updated the Characters Page and Added Kiki and Super Kiki. I'm working on chapter 8 already, Hopefully will have it up soon.

Added another new chapter. Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison

I added a new chapter. Chapter Seven : Kiki!

Kiki's information is available on the character page, as is her magic on the magic list, her attributes and her abilities. I will put her in the story in chapter 6, which I WILL be working on tonite. I also updated the Lists.

Holy crap I actually made a new character! That means someone (Kiki) is MORE SPECIAL THEN YOU!!!

Magic List Updated, Shadou's abilities discovered.

Added Attributes

The Damester is slowly losing his sanity. How do you get through the rough teenage years? It's hard as hell...I've become so paranoid and neurotic. I'll try to make some more updates.

I just wanted to mention, Robbie and Joey have been complaining that certain people (I won't name names) have been annoying them about being made into characters for the site. And I will admit I've had this problem as well. Listen up and listen good, No one can be a part of the site unless they are super special and I say its ok. And right now there are very few "super special" people so if you think you're special enough to be a part of it ask ME and not them.

Xavan's abilities are now listed in the abilities list.

Chapter 5 is finally up! Chapter Six: Specter

Joey came over last night and he finally made his super form so info on that can be gotten on the characters page. A very smart friend of ours (Kiki) pointed out a typo that none of any of you dumbasses noticed! Nice Job Kiki. As for the rest of you (including myself unfortunately) Your lack of intelligence earns you the right to be penciled in for a sudden visit from the angel of death. Oh, I also updated the Good and Bad lists. I'm still working on chapter 5.

I made some changes to the character page, very small ones, changed around Damian's abilities (again) Um...I've started work on the next chapter finally. I have a three day weekend so I'll try and get atleast two chapters up.

I made some updates. My prayers go out to who ever suffered from one year ago. Good night everyone.

Hey everyone...I bet you're wondering where the damn updates are?! Well...Joey and I had a bit of a situation we had to take care of that took up all of yesterday when I should have been writing stories. Sorry everyone.....I'll see what I can do....

How was everyone's Labor Day weekend? Mine sucked, I got sick. Oh well. As usual, no real updates till The weekend...(would have been more last weekend but Mario Sunshine had a hold on me. It'll be brought back soon, So dont worry.) I'll get back to you soon.

I think I'm getting sick...ugh... I updated the chapters...Read it here: Chapter Five: Enhance!

Tonite I will add a new chapter if it kills me! Info on Rob's Ninja skills can be found here: Rob's Ninja School Training

Tomorrow is Friday which means there will be alot of updates!

Unfortunately, Highschool has been very hard for me. I won't be able to update till atleast the weekend, but at the weekend I shall upload many many things. I Think I made some friends today, and a girl likes me because i'm quiet.... :)

I'm sorry for lack of updates but I've been getting Ready for school tomorrow. Wish me, Joey, and Robbie luck on our first days of Highschool...
Speaking of new things, I got my first kiss yesterday night...Man was it great...

I forgot to mention, Chapter Three: The Journey Begins is now up!

Also...So is Chapter Four: Problems along the way!

I'm working on our second chapter of our Story! Also, Ancient scrolls have been found that tell us the Abilities List of all the characters! So thats what we're gonna learn in up coming levels...

You may want to check out our new World Map

The first chapter of our story is finally up!!! Chapter One: The Mission At Hand
To read it.

An Ancient Parchment scroll listing all the known level one magics has been found. Click Magic List to go check it out now!
I'm still writing the first story, I'll also include "Current Level" to the character page, People who follow the story line will understand, as the characters will level up through out the story.

We now have some Extra Information

Put in FlamingText and I will be adding a Guest book, EVERYONE MUST SIGN!

We Got our Counter, Rob did a better character picture for my character,
I've started work on our adventures story but it wont be up
for a while...I've started work on our first comic
but it is far from done... I'm also in the process of a new villian..
Oh, and this just in...An ancient Parchment scroll has unveiled Shadou, Rob's Enhanced form. Check out his info on the character page.

Added the Contact us page...can't believe i forgot that...

A Picture of Robbie's enhanced form has been
found...what it is called or what it can do is still
a mystery...

Added Some pictures, Made the Villians Page. Updated the Lists.
Rob Made us a New banner! You can view it at the home page!
We Will also have a counter very soon!

Today I uploaded the site for the first time! Hurrah! Useless crap is Reborn!!