Biographical information

Hi. My name is Meindert Gijzen. I was born in 1957 as the second child of a shopkeeper and his wife. My father sold cigarettes, cigars, comic books, pencils, paper, candy etc. The tragedy of his life was that he had wanted something completely different but had lacked the courage to make his own choices. That is why I decided never to become a shopkeeper or make decisions not my own. As a child I was quite withdrawn and dreamy. I loved nature, music and reading and still do. I started asking fundamental questions at a very early age. It seemed to me that something must be wrong with humanity since most grown-ups looked unhappy and caricatures of the people that they might have been. As an adolescent I read extremely much and longed to become a writer once. Soon I became interested in eastern spirituality since the doctrines of western Christianity had been very disappointing in scope and subtlety. I started meditating and studying my dreams. This would lead to an interest in Zen, Castaneda, Gurdjieff, Krishnamurti etc. Despite many hesitations I finally finished my college-education as a psychologist, sure that I would never work as one. But after some years of gardening and re-building my house I started training as a psychotherapist. At this moment I have worked for 14 years in that profession. But I still like working with my hands also and have great respect for people who make their living that way. Since 1990 I am a student of Tibetan Buddhism, in particular the teachings of Tarthang Tulku and Namkhai Norbu. My interest in dreams has led me to start studying the teachings on Tibetan dreamyoga of Tenzin Wangyal.

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