Guinea pigs                     

The house guinea-pig come from South Americ, where was cultivate probably from Peruvian guinea-pig (Cavia aperea) by Indians already in antiquity. It was bred for meat and as sacrificial animal. It was imported to Holland in the 16th century and it is used in large number as experimental animal in scientific research from the last century.It reproduce in the fetter all year long.  We use for breeding cavies at the age above 6 months, because they are enough physical advanced. The males sexually grow up about in 70 days, the females ussually in 60. The rut irculate in 15-17 daily cycle, but the female is ready for copulation only for some hours in this time. We breed ussually the females and males together. We can give as much as 10 females to the male, but optimal is ratio 1:6. The females are gravid for 56-72 days, depending on numbers of young in their litter. They give birth to 1-5 young, which birth greatly evolved. They sight, are perfectly hair and movable and they accept beside breast milk also solid feed. One female have 2-4 childbirth in a year, in sum about with 10 young. The child progress is very promt. They weigh 60-140 grams at birth, they reach last weight in about 15 months. We can set back the young on 14 days, but the better is to leave them by the female to the age of 3 weeks, when the recrement of breast milk go down. The guinea-pig live 4-6 years, but the known record age is 12 years.The original cavys coloration is Aguti, it is almost unicoloured brown with somewhat the lighter abdomen.There are also many mutations different partly quallity and partly colouring. We can tell apart four main groups accoring to hair, whih are the cavy smoothair (called as English) loubredhair, rose-cut, habesh, longhair ( Angora). We can tell apart even coloured forms in each group, from the unicoloured cavies (e.g. albino, ream, black), through tow-coloured (e.g Holland) till three-coloured cavies.

The breeding is the best in an isolated air-conditioned room (the temperature 18-20 ºC, the moisture around 50 %). There we set together the battery from suitable boxes (the best is type VELAZ T5 with size 59x40x30 cm). As a beding is used crude sawdust and shavings

The cavy feed. The quality hays forms the base of feed. We give them all kinds off fruits and vegetables, the corn ( oats, barley, sun-flowers, corn).