U 439
22:30 to 23:30
-39° to -50°
Gru, Phe, Tuc


NGC 7650
RA 23:25:20
Dec 23:25:20

h: "F, R, gbM, 35 arcseconds." On a second occassion he called it "pB, R, glbM, 40 arcseconds, the preceding of two." The other object is NGC 7652.

West (1977, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 27, 73-88) writes: "The tightly wound, knotty spiral arms give this galaxy a very peculiar shape. The red plate shows a very small nucleus in the geometrical centre. Contrary to what would be expected from the morphology, the spectrum is of late type and shows a prominent G band as well as the H and K lines in absorption. ."

Coloured Stars

white: Epsilon Gru
pale yellow: Zeta Gru
yellow: Eta Gru

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