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Kanelli claimed on TV Monday that Tsunami was a Greek word. Claims: " 'Tsu' means 'wave' and 'Nami' means 'Harbor/Limani'. It's a Japanese word! "TSU" means "Harbor" and "Nami" means "Wave" you Phony Moron! Besides, how do you get "liMANI" from "tsuNAMI"??? Are ALL Communists Dyslexic?

The fact that this Communist Parliament Member used to be a Biased reporter comes as no surprise. Although she is no longer in the Media that doesn't stop her from being in a "window" on  the nightly news and spewing her ludicrous thoughts. She is most famous for quoting the "...respected US newspaper, The National Enquirer" to support her idiotic opinion. Those of you who know the "NE", know this "respected" paper has headlines like "Elvis returns in U.F.O."

Kaneli is ANOTHER in a long line of "Blame America First" but the problem she has is that her ideas are so extreme, you can usually see another politician or reporters in the other "window" laughing as she rambles on and on and on and on with her stupidities.

During the Kosovo slaughtering, she was the most vocal supporter of the butcher Milosevic. When the magazine KLIK did the ONLY truthful report in Greece on the war and claimed that Kaneli and others had been chauffeured around the Kosovo area in a white Mercedes, they were viciously attacked by all in the press. The KLIK article also claimed that Kanelli had seen houses blown away and believed the Serb "tour guides" that the American planes were to blame. The truth was, as stated correctly in the article, that Serb tanks were the only ones who could have created those holes in the houses because it was impossible for a missile to fall from the sky and hit a house on the side that was next to an obstacle like a wall.. (See more here on the KLIK lynching)

The last laughable tidbit about her opinions is that somehow she seems to blame Halliburton for everything. Over Iraq, she has lost her mind over blaming VP Cheney's PAST association with Halliburton. Some simple facts about this subject have escaped this mental wonder:

Cheney donated ALL his interest and shares in Halliburton (**) to  separate charities as well as a children's fund when he decided to run for VP. He can NEVER get these back and does not get ANY payment from the company  (*) no matter WHAT contracts they make or not with the US Government. The fact that Halliburton is only one of THREE companies that do such work as well as the biggest in the world escapes her twisted mind. Also, Halliburton received NO-BID contracts in Yugoslavia under the DEMOCRATIC Clinton Administration. She is ignorant to the fact that the Democrats in Washington would LOVE to hang Cheney up by his ears with a Halliburton scandal but CAN'T!


(*) Since Halliburton still owes Cheney money from his days at the company, he is being paid back through a completely independent  insurance company. This proves without a doubt:

1) Halliburton does not pay Cheney AT ALL.

2) If the Halliburton went bankrupt tomorrow, he would still get paid. 

GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS: Cheney has no interest in Halliburton doing well.

 (click for proof)

(**) He also donated all his interest and shares of EVERY OTHER company he had to these same Charities.


The Corrupt U.N. US Saves 2004 Muslim Hate in Greece KLIK Lynching Imperialism? Greeks Aid Genocide Iraq

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