Well, yes, but this is the sort of stuff that sort of ends up everywhere, and is said by more famous people than the webmaster. That being tremendously a lot terribley much and totally way above with such huge amounts over 99999999999999999999999999999999 % more famous than this silly webmaster, who just sits here HTMLing all day. Yes, yes, yes. Things... Information. Real, live, information right here...... that can probably be found on fifty thousand other websites..... But never mind that!
Well, I say, before you go off reading this you should, if you enjoy this, (warning: blantant advertising ahead) should go out and buy Graham Crackers, A liars Autobiography VI (when it becomes availible again everywhere), and The Completely Incomplete Graham Chapman (sometime around December). Also The First 280 Years of Monty Python, The (Non-Inflatable) Monty Python TV Companion, and Monty Python Speaks! each have some really nice Graham information. Now, end with the plugging.
Crackers/Boring Bits/Lemon Curry?/Loony Bits/Bits of Electronic Madness/Owl Stretching Time/Photos/Cor Clackels Folum/Yellowbeard/The Odd Job/News/Grahamy Bits