The Odd Job is another film by Graham Chapman. Unfortunately, due to its being out of print, it's a bit hard to find, but I can tell you what I know about it. I actually have seen it now, and do own a copy thanks to a friend of mine. The film is about Arthur Harris who decides he no longer wants to live after his wife's left him. He's too afraid to knock himself off, so he hires and odd job man to do it for him with instructions that even if he begs not to be killed, he should still kill him. His wife comes back, and so he no longer wants to die. The problem is that there is a man out to get him, and he's no way of contacting the man. It's quite a funny movie -- it has many funny moments, yet it's also quite sad in some parts, especially the end. But still, very great film. Keith Moon was set to be the odd job man, yet other people involved didn't think Keith was up to it. Graham went against his better judgement and didn't put Keith in the film. "Dammit they were wrong" - Graham (A liar's Autobiography - audio version) For those of you who can use Ebay I've seen many copies of the movie there if you'd like to get it. I'll get more information up as soon as possible. It is even harder to find pictures and such on The Odd Job than it is to find on Yellowbeard, which isn't saying much.