3/30/99 Hi, there. Sorry I haven't been updating the site, as I have been on the road most of last week. But my faithful correspondents have kept the news coming, and here's a collection of the items. Thanks to all who wrote me during my absence.

From Lisa:

A Boston Herald article, from Felicity: Felicity: found this story at a Winona Ryder web-site (of all places!!) Matty is using his influence to get his friends involved - good news. Sounds a very risky project though. It's from a magazine called The Nation (www.thenation.com) (My note: I believe this is an ultra-conservative publication - p.s. I have been rebuked on this - it seems that "The Nation" may actually be a highly liberal publication - if so, I stand :-) corrected): This next bit - if true - is exciting news: Val in New Mexico shared the followings on planetdamon: Finally, a little bit of a Reuter article that I caught in the (Mew Orleans) Times-Picayue:

[This is at the end of an article on Harrold Ramis, director of "Analyze This" and an actor in "The Ghostbuster."] Time marches on, ..., and though Ramis has no plans to do a drama, he says he's consdiering another "Ghostbusters" flick, which would be the series' third.
A minor sticking point: The original gang- Ramis, Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson - are relative geezers now...
"Danny and I talk about doing another 'Ghostbusters' on a regular basis," Ramis says. "the studio would like to make a deal. The dream plan was that Danny and I would produce and I would direct it and we would recruit some newer, younger, popular ghostbusters."
Any suggestions?
"Sure," says Ramis, his permanent grin widening. "Leo DeCaprio, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and Will Smith." ...

(Ramis was apparently just joking. However, today the news came that Affleck and Smith have indeed agreed to co-star in a yet-to-be-penned buddy film for Buckheimer and Michael Bay, the great :-( team who gave you that cinematic prize "Armageddon". Anyway, the idea of teaming those four is quite an intrigue, no?)

3/24/99 A lot of Oscar stuff, bunched together below:

3/20/99 In a Yahoo Press Release issued by Nikon, Matt is among those mentioned as presenters - in fact, he is mentioned first, followed by Affleck and Williams: a GWH reunion in the making.

An article on AP seems to suggest that Matt will be at the Oscars. The article talks about what the stars will wear, and Matt and Ben are said to "remain loyal to Armani". We know that Ben is one of the presenters but perhaps Matt will be there as well.

Opened a copy of "In Style" to look at the pictures from the Golden Globes night. Matt is in one of the small pics, and, I am worried. He looks guant: all eyes and lips on a thin face. And if Ted Cassablanca of E! is to be believed, Matt is still working out while filming in San Antonio. If he loses any more weight, he will look like the way he did on "Courage Under Fire". Yike. Will someone knock some sense into that Harvard head! It's the Will-Hunting look that gets you where you are, Matt, trust me.

3/16/99 "Saving Private Ryan" promotional segment on "The View" is being repeated TODAY, according to Deja News and as reported by Felicity - sorry that I didn't hear about it until just now. If you have not seen this one and if it's still not too late, make every effort to do so. Matt was adorable in this show, taped sometime in June last year.

3/14/99 A couple of real finds from Felicity:

Also, Felicity mentioned that on the San Amtonio Express site there was an article title "No Ill Will Towards Matt Damon" without text. The title has now disappeared from the site. But perhaps the article was in the printed version of the paper. If you are in Texas and have access to the paper, could you please check it out? Thanks.

3/13/99 Things have been quiet again. Following is a batch of items from Felicity and others:

There's a big film festival in Austin from this weekend. As a guide, this was in an Austin paper:
SXSW (South By South West, the film festival) co-director Louis Black has taken a page from the playbook of promoter French Smith, who used to drum up interest in his annual T-Bird Riverfest by denying music's biggest names as his "special guests." (One year the rumors were Robert Plant, Bob Dylan and Elvis Costello. When Smith denied them, he was right: the "special guests" turned out to be the Antone's house band). At any rate, Black denies that Matt Damon will be at SXSW this year, but I see Beantown blondie making the scene, at least in a partying capacity. Damon is just down the road in San Antonio filming "All the Pretty Horses," so look for him to hook up with pal Casey Affleck (Ben's bro), who'll be here for Friday's "Desert Blue" premiere and "Pretty Horses" director Billy Bob Thornton, who's down for a panel Saturday. By the way, Louis denies that Ben Affleck will be in town.
So, Matt may make an appearance at either the above or the premiere of Ron Howard's Ed TV next Tuesday.

In other news, Planet Ice has had a name change to ... Titan A.E. - apparently standing for Titan After Earth.

As expected, nothing has happened on any of the Matt/Ben scripts. This is from Thursday's Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith column:
MEANWHILE: Miramax is still trying to get Matt Damon and Ben Affleck to take advantage of the first-look deal the studio struck with them when they were flush from last year's Oscar triumph for writing "Good Will Hunting." But as it's turned out, says Weinstein, "They've been too busy -- they each go from making one movie to another." Which is what they're doing now, with Matt in San Antonio to make "All the Pretty Horses," and Affleck in Vancouver, Canada, starting "Reindeer Games." But relief could be on the way. "Ben will have some free time," says Weinstein, "and the plan is for him to come to Matt's set, where the two of them could start writing the romantic comedy 'Like a Rock."'

Off Ted Casablanca's column on e-online:
The Eyes Have It
Matt Damon, in San Antonio, Texas, near the set of All the Pretty Horses. The dude was going home to his exclusive rented condo when he was stopped by a local resident and peppered with horsey questions about what it's like to be famous. Matt was kind (as I hear he is to few other non-horsey types).

3/8/99 Apparently there was a sketch on Saturday's Mad TV show where the film "Saving Private Ryan" was the target of some satire, and Andrew Bowen did a Matt Damon impression. Probably just as well that I didn't see it, but if you did and want to share what you saw, email me.


  • Very Intriguing News According to an Internet site on upcoming movies, Dreamworks' Steven Speilberg has asked Matt to co-star with Tom Cruise - yes, you heard it right - in a Sci-fi movie called "Minority Report", which is scheduled to start filming in the Fall and to open in the theaters June 30, 2000. This is just a rumor, and the premise of the film is not all that exciting to me, but - Spielberg, Cruise, and Matt! The mind boggles. Think of all the hype and breathless anticipation. (Felicity is the one to thank again for this scoop.)

  • Some items from the Unofficial Matt Damon site, care of Felicity:
  • The Los Angles Times's Sunday Calendar section carries a lengthy article on Ben Affleck. It seems that Ben is getting $6 million for his film "The Reindeer Game". That's more than Matt got paid for "All the Pretty Horses". If you are an Affleck fan, read all about it.
    (Okay, if you haven't already sensed it, I'll 'fess up and say that I am not a big fan of Matt's best buddy. I just don't have much respect for someone who did a film like Armageddon. So, yes, I am not too pleased that the spotlight is on Ben just now.)

    Rounders is 8th on the video rental chart.

    A very excited Valerie (who lives in New Mexico) wrote on Planetdamon (can't you just hear her shouts of joy? :-)

    On auction at EBAY until 3/7. Current bid is $7.99. Brand new and factory sealed:
    John's Grisham's THE RAINMAKER laserdisc directed by Francis
         Ford Coppola
         Mr. Coppola's best and sharpest film - Janet Maslin, New York Times
         The most enjoyable of Grisham's movies - Mike Clark, USA TODAY
         Starring Matt Damon, Jon Voight, Danny DeVito, and Claire Danes
         Brand New and Factory Sealed
         Dolby Digital 5.1 AC-3 - experience TRUE 5.1 channel surround
         137 minutes, Color, Rated PG-13
         2.35:1 Widescreen Aspect Ratio
         2 disc CLV format
         $39.98 Retail Price!
    3/3/99 Mr. Showbiz rates Good Will Hunting as the 4th all-time best "shrink" movie. The article is lead with that familiar poster photo of Matt and Robin.

    Don't remember where I saw this, but somewhere in Cyberspace it was reported that last week Rounders was either 7th or 8th on the top DVD list. I don't beleive it made the top 10 video rental list, however.

    3/2/99 The March 1 syndicated column by Stacy Jenel Smith and Marilyn Beck reported that "Pretty Horses" is budgeted at $40 million.

    Val wrote on planetdamon:

    3/1/99 Felicity sent in a full description of the Ripley article that appeared in the March issue of Vanity Fair: (Added Felicity: I really like the photos - the two-page photo of Matt, Minghella, Jude and Gwyneth is this lovely, open shot of everyone caught as they're = smiling and laughing; and the others are just stylish, classy photos.
    [The pictures shown are] definitely [from] the first scene in Italy, with Matt meeting Cate on the boat (ocean liner) as they collect their luggage, and shots of Jude and Gwyneth in Mongibello. I can't place, however, the shots of Matt in the very long black coat, while Dickie is in shorts.

    Another tidbit from Felicity (who by the way is also responsible for finding the new Ripley photoc):
    Ben Affleck's been announced as a presenter at the Oscars (on the Oscars website). Matt wasn't mentioned.
    (My speculations: Matt seemes to have taken a backseat to Ben in publicity these days, possibly to give his best friend a chance to shine on his own. My guess is that Ben will be paired with Paltrow as presenters.)

    2/27/99 Off Daily Variety:

    Cruz to take 'Horses' lead
    Thesp cast as Damon's love interest
    Penelope Cruz has been cast to star opposite Matt Damon in Miramax/Columbia's "All the Pretty Horses," to be directed by Billy Bob Thornton and based on a novel by Cormac McCarthy. In the film, to shoot shortly in Texas, Cruz plays a Mexican girl from an upper-class family that discourages her romance with Damon's character. Cruz's casting in "Horses" confirms her as Spain's hottest international actress. Having co-starred in Stephen Frears' Berlin Competition player "The Hi-Lo Country," she has inked to star later this year in Fox Searchlight's "Woman on Top," to be directed by Fina Torres.

    (Here's how Mr. Showbiz put it: "Cruz will play the upper-crust Mexican beauty whose family attempts to discourage her romantic involvement with Damon's hunky farmboy drifer.")
    (Thanks to Felicity and Lisa for these items. Word is that Cruz is a real beauty - can you stand it?)

    Here's a nice quote of Matt: In an interview in the December Juice Magazine of Australia (Thanks, Felicity) -

    This is a no-frills web site dedicated to a weekly (or so) column on Matt Damon , the actor.
    The columns are written by a fan of the actor and are stricly for the reading pleasure of others who admire Matt. Each column will address a specific topic, along with tidbits and news on Matt.
    Readers' emails are welcome. Write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.
    Guest columns are invited. If you have a column that you want to be considered to be published here, write me.

    Click on a column