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Matt fan Val visited the filming of "Pretty Horses" on location in Mexico and brought back photos of some of the sets/sites. Click here to see.

5/23/99 Out of sight, out of mind: According to Premier, polling indicated that Matt is among those who are not hot among teens.

From Felicity:

From v on Planetdamon: 5/20/99 V. posted this note to PlanetDamon: And Felicity wrote: 5/17/99 From a reader (thanks!):
Brendan Frasier mentions Matt on Celebrity Profiles on "E" channel, how he would not have gotten "School Ties" if he had not read with Matt. Show should be on again at 5:00 today {May 16, Central time} May show at other times too.

5/16/99 Thus wrote Felicity:

>And so the promotion starts early...
The gossip columnists in the 'Boston Herald' have started the Ripley push early. No real news, and nothing that we don't know, but it's good to know that Miramax thinks highly of the film:

Matt on cover of People mag.--"suddenly rich"

Posting from Veriah on Planetdamon:
In the June issue of Movieline, Brendan Frasier has some interesting things to say about Matt:

5/15/99 Today on Entertainment Tonight the cover story was on the trailers that run with Phantom Menance, which include Fight Club, The Beach, The King and I, and -- The Titan A.E., "with the voice of Matt Damon". It sends shivers up my spine to hear the voice in something all to- gether different, but it's Matt's voice all right. The animation shown looks just like the original Star Wars - spaceship approaching a planet - and Matt's voice-over said something like "In year XXX we thought we were going home, but we were wrong." The animation feature is supposed to be released next summer.

5/11/99 According to Felicity, there is an insert photo of Matt on the cover of People mag, connected with a story on wealth.
Said Felicity: Here's the bit about Matt that was on the site:

And according to Felicity, this was the comment under the photo of Matt (Us magazine singlet shot):
Costar Robin Williams says Damon and buddy Affleck "both have amazing discipline and savvy."

5/10/99 Another Penelope Cruz interview on TNT Roughcut. Here's an excerpt:

(Quipped Felicity: Think that he's nice??)

Another small item in the New Mexican's 'El Mitote' column:

(Aagghh! Bell buckles are not my thing exactly.)

5/9/99 Not a whole lot of Matt news anywhere. He is listed as #93 on Premier's list of 100 most power people in Hollywood, two places behind Ben Affleck, mind you.
5/2/99 This from the website:
Comments posted by Martin Leal on March 25, 1999 at 10:14:03 I am working on All The Pretty Horses with Matt Damon and he is one of the nicest guys I have ever worked with. He takes the time to talk to all of the crew and extras. He always has a smile on his face and you can tell he is on top of the world. Even when he wrenched his back on the mechanical bull for some of the horse breaking scenes, he still had a smile on his face.
(Commented Felicity: "Presumably true. I hope his back is okay." )

From Jeanne Jakle's column in the San Antonio Express:
'Pretty Horses' adds up
Hooray for Hollywood! The movie business, thanks largely to the lengthy stop last month by Billy Bob Thornton, Matt Damon and the rest of the cast and crew of "All the Pretty Horses," has provided an especially large financial boost to San Antonio this year.
According to the San Antonio Film Commission, Thornton's big-budget Columbia Pictures project, the independent production "Party Girl" and various TV and commercial projects, have brought an estimated $15 million to San Antonio...
(My note: Let's hope the film draws as well at the boxoffice.)

4/29/99 From the LA Daily News (via Felicity), an article on Penelope Cruz:

4/28/99 From Val on Planetdamon:
A piece which appeared in the Santa Fe New Mexican: 4/27/99 Val wrote on PlanetDamon: (My note: Unfortunately I have more or less given up on ET and such shows - can't take all that stuff any more with no sign of Matt in the promise.)

And Felicity come across these bits from the LA Daily News site:

4/25/99 Felicity sent in an update on various Matt items in recent magazines. From Val in New Mexico: Felicity wrote: