Trial against Cruz Castillo for the murder of Elena Nikolas

Judge:Judge Larsen (woman)
Prosecuting attorney:Keith Timmons
Councils for the defence:Mason Capwell, Julia Wainwright

Opening statements: coming

For the prosecuter:

20 March, 1997

Eden Capwell
Michael Bradford
Carmen Castillo
Dr. Alexander Nikolas
C.C. Capwell

21 March, 1997

Victoria Lane Capwell *
Kelly Capwell *
Eden Capwell *

For the defence

26 March,1997

Constable Mallory (first cop on scene)
Victoria Capwell *
Cain Garver

28 March, 1997

Pamela Capwell Conrad *

* Questioned by Julia Wainwright

Verdict: Guilty

Incedents that happened at the trial:

1) Julia slapped Keith when he in the courtroom while questioning Kelly started arguing with Julia and he said something about her having an illegitemate child (21 March).

2) In the same day when Eden was reading a letter which Cruz had written after Eden`s "death" and Keith was making the letter "dirty", so Cruz who was handcuffed climbed over the table and tried to strangle Keith from behind. Mason was not present during those both 1 and 2 because he went to take care of his wife.