Blair Witch Sequels


26th of May 2000

There is a buzz at Diabolical Dominon over whether or not Rustin Parr (played by Frank Pastor) will make an appearance in BWP2. The website is owned by Artisan, however the page is sometimes down. Who knows, maybe just another website tie in. If you check you will also be treated to a surprise (Artisan owns that as well). (DD) (HFA NEWS)
10th of May 2000

Above is some concept art from BWP2, c/o UPC. Footage will be shown at the 19th Video Software dealers association convention and Expo in Las Vegas.. That footage will be of BWP2, Artisan big man Amir Malin will be giving a speech on the whole deal. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)


6th of May 2000

There is cast information for BWP2 from DD:
"Tristen Skyler, age 21, is the blonde wearing the wool cap; Stephen B. Turner (Tristen's boyfriend) is the guy who tries to calm her down; the red head is Erica Leerhsen- a Wiccan, age 19; the female with the black hair is Kim Director; the other male Jeffrey Donovan, age 25." Keep up the good work who ever scooped this. But I muste remind you all that it was said at the start their would be a lot of disinformation amongst the information. (DD) (HFA NEWS)
29th of April 2000

The teaser is online straight from ET to those on the INTERNET.. BWP2, Check out the cinemenium site that has it. Than download the 10.9 meg MPG. (DH) Variety is now calling the sequel "Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows" (CSO) (HFA NEWS)
26th of April 2000

New information on BLAIR WITCH 2, has popped up on Cinescape. It is basically the information from ET.

"I'm taking the idea of the Blair Witch and pushing it in a whole other direction."
-- director Joe Berlinger, to ET

We know what audiences did last summer -- they all went and saw the scariest flick to sneak onto the screen in years. Whether you believed in the "Blair Witch" or not, chances are you sat in a dark theater and watched as three unsuspecting college students ventured out into the forest, never to be seen again. Now the hunt is on once more as a new cast of characters head off in search of the legend. Only Entertainment Tonight has the exclusive world premiere interview with 'Blair Witch 2' director JOE BERLINGER and a peek at the frightening footage from this highly anticipated sequel. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

25th of April 2000

News on Blair Witch 2, has popped up on DH. ET will be showing the first exclusive footage from the film on Thursday, whilst the official site has opened a new section. Within the new section is information on TWANA a type of witchcraft based on placement of rocks and other freaky things, go check it out for yourself. (DH) Info on the TEASER was leaked to the Diabolical Dominion, This is what it is said to be: "Its the same length as the original teaser, but this time simply features ooky chanting accompanying reddish-orange illuminated iconography (all and all, very Stigmata-esque) and yes, it does refer to the film as The Blair Witch Project 2. Artisan plans to, predictably, go all out with promotions for the film, including installation of 'Internet kiosks' at major theatres that will allow patrons to visit the Blair Witch website."


14th of April 2000

News about Blair Witch 2 turned up at Diabolical Dominion.
Boston College was a scheduled shooting locale, but because the crew would not supply the school with a plot synopsis, Berlinger and his crew were sent packing, just as they were several weeks ago when they wanted to head back to Burkittsville. Since the story reportedly revoled around four Boston College students, it is now unclear if the school they are from will be changed, or if a substitute school will be made to appear as though it is actually Boston University. Additional scenes will be shot in a Pasadena, Maryland movie theater later this month.

One of Joe Berlinger's close friends also recently mentioned that this film "will be more like Scream than the first one in terms of the visual style. "Well, not really like Scream," he said, "given the context of the film, but not as 'documentary' as the first film." This should be interesting. (DD) (HFA NEWS)


4th of April 2000

A whole bunch of news came in today about the Blair Witch Sequel.. Because it is spoiler orientated, to see the text you must highlight it with your mouse. It all comes from Cinemaniums Blair Witch page.

The film is scripted ... but it's also not scripted... A little twisted huh? There is a script with written dialogue. The actors do have scripted parts, but also parts in which they have no clue what is going to happen. They are going for realism as in the first film. Real emotions and real heart pounding fear. Some scenes are scripted but in the middle of them something happens and the actors respond naturally to the horror.

And the a spooky sequence-

Two girls and one guy are running through the woods screaming. A Blair Victim is standing half way up the trail butt naked. It's a very skinny guy and they placed this white powder makeup on his body to make him look white as a ghost. he has cuts and abrasions all over his body. he's standing in the middle of the trail making noises, but he has no tongue.

The actors knew they were supposed to run through the woods but they didn't know they were going to see the Blair Victim. One girl named Carrie fell to the ground in hysterics when she sees the Blair Victim approaching. The Blair Victim drops face first before the trio and they all freak out not knowing what is going on. The group calms down and talks about a whole lot of pointless stuff as they try to figure out what to do, they stop and listen but the strange sounds that were chasing them are no longer heard. The guy finally reaches down and rolls the Blair Victim over who opens his eyes and grab onto the guy's shoulders trying to scream out for help without a tongue. The Blair Victim screams words but they are hard to decipher. All the Blair Victim says is: "The gate... remember her gate..." Then the Blair Victim dies in his arms and they all freak. About that time a pounding comes up behind them in the woods... it's a scary sound... and they continued to run through the woods. After that they did a few retakes of that scene, but they were using the first shot because it looked so "damn real."

Remember that there is a dis-information campaign going on around the film and that if this does not end up in the movie don't blame me. Anyhow, if this above sequence ends up the film, I'm more than likely going to be a little annoyed as I think it is kind of tame. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

20th of March 2000

An MSNBC reporter got a little more than he barganned for when he tried to find the Blair Witch.. Well the set of the The Blair Witch 2. One of News4's reporters over at MSNBC, James Adams, tracked down the 'Blair 2' people to Seneca Creek State Park near Boyd's, Maryland. A few things of note from the article: A) The security on the set is pretty tight with police and security people on hand to tell you to go away; 2) Adams and his camera operator were initially mistaken for actors playing newsmen and might have gotten down into the set proper had they gone along with the notion. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)
13th of March 2000

Big Blair Witch 2 scoop day.. Oh I'd call it more of a leak.. I got sent the following URL. . I guess you could say it's the best publicity for the film yet. But there is a cast list now if you can read it.. Don't expect to know any of the cast though. The names of the cast match the name of the character as per the original film (TRISTEN SKYLER etcetera). It looks like the film will be called BLAIR WITCH 2.

The other thing that has turned up is a copy of DIRECTIONS to COFFIN ROCK. Those that are HARDCORE fans of theoriginal would already have a copy of these as ED and DAN the crafty folks at HAXAN FILMS posted them in a HIDDEN links on the original HAXAN website.

The above website also has the first page (that contains dialogue) posted. Which makes me think that this is a set up LEAK rather than a scoop.. As if someone had more than one page they would post those other pages as well. So click on the link . . For more stuff. Thanks 'Andrew'. (HFA NEWS)

1st of MArch 2000

Okay here is another rumor on the Blair Witch sequel #1. It comes from CSO
The magazine reports that at least one part of the story will focus on a group of teenagers who become intrigued by the first film’s story after checking out the original website. They then decide to seek out the witch themselves only to be killed. Unlike the first film, though, their deaths are said to be planned to happen on screen.
So there you go.. Kind of sounds about right. Also sounds like a remake of the original with blood. The budget has increased from 10 million to 18 million.(CSO) (HFA NEWS)
26th of Feb 2000

Neal Stevens is becoming a big name in Horror writing, recently Dimension bought his screenplay "DEADER" (HFA NEWS) and he has been optioned to write other films including the sequel to The Blair Witch (HFA NEWS). has an interview with this star in the making. CLICK HERE.


20th of Feb 2000







17th of Feb 00

More info on the blair witch sequel turned up on CSO. There is still very little being said by Artisan/Haxan about the film. The casting is not yet complete (hey I've gotten nothing on this year if you guys are interested??:) and the script has not been finalised. The latest rumor is that the script is an amalgamtion of many scripts, and the writers that were said to be competing were actually, knowingly/unknowingly writing only parts of the film. Writer Jon Bodenkamp is going to be doing the final draft of the amalgamted script. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)


"We've already been raped. Now they want us to be prostitutes.", that was what x-council member of Burkitsville (Sam Brown) had to say about the possibility of having the opening sequence to The Blair Witch Sequel shot in the town. So therefore instead of Burkitsville getting the tourist dollars and spiratic vandalism. Director of the sequel Joe berlinger was pleading for the film to be shot in the town, procaliming that it would be a positive thing. However the people of Burkitsville did not take, therefore the film will be shot in a mock town, after which it will go into the woods, I guess. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

13th of January 2000

A copy of the full memo regarding The Blair Witch Sequel was sent to Talent Agents around the place. Darkhorizons got an actual copy, check it out here.. (DH) (HFA NEWS)
12th of January 2000

The character names for the Blair Witch Sequel are:

"Nick Leavitt" and "Anna Casio": Seniors at Boston College who also live together.

"Heather Arendt": A native Chicagoan. Her philosophy in life is "when in doubt indulge."

"Cotter Kaller": Described as an immature blue collar type and state college student.

"Domini Von Teer": Vaguely Goth type who favors wearing black and is described as "an enigma."

Accroding to CSO the film will go into production the US East Coast on February 28. The characters are aged 19-20s and have not been cast as of yet. Unless of course the character and real names are mixing again.. But I doubt it. According to Artisan a SCRIPT hasn't been chosen. (HFA NEWS)

9th of January 2000

According to a post from Eduardo Sanchez on the HAXAN noticeboard, the script for the Blair Witch sequel has been written and Ed has read it.. Click Here. for thre post.. Or here for Haxan Message Board. Please do not clutter the board with posts.. Leave the question asking to the regulars. The board has only just got back to normal. (HFA NEWS)
5th of January 2000

Confirmation of Blair Witch sequel and Prequel have reached DH. Seems that the sequel will be made before the prequel and they will be budgeted at 7 million and 10 million. The film will have more static camera shots... Hey in the 1700s there was no handicams.. Ed and Dan will be directing the prequel, whilst they produce the sequel which will be directed award winning documentarian Joe Berlinger (Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills). The sequel is due in the FALL of 2000. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

 4th of January 2k

The Parr House survives the wrecking ball.. A combination of support from the people of Massachussets and an undisclosed (likely LARGE) sum of money from ARTISAN ENTERTAINMENT has seen the house spared.. So maybe it will end up in The Blair Witch prequel or sequel. Info courtesy of HAXAN message board and CSO. (HFA NEWS)
The following appeared on
"Despite the fact that the dark folklore behind the hit film The Blair Witch Project was fabricated, the murderous history of Elly Kedward still haunts the national consciousness. Oni Comics will further expand upon the legend with a new mini-series, beginning with The Blair Witch Chronicles #1.

Written by Jen Van Meter, the four-issue mini-series will reveal more horrifying tales of unfortunate people who trespassed upon the spirit of the woman who was driven out of Blair, Md., in 1785 but who never really left. The first issue, which will be illustrated by Guy Davis (Sandman Mystery Theater), is set during the 1950s, when a teen prank leaves two people dead and two others scared nearly to death.

Van Meter also wrote Oni’s hit tie-in comic The Blair Witch Project #1, a stand-alone anthology of similar "case studies" that tied into, but did not directly adapt, the film’s events. "

Interesting info on an upcoming comic.. Will this ruin the Blair Witch Mythos.. I'd hate to see the Mythos shot to shit the same way as Star Wars was.. It would be bad to see a Prequel that forgets about all the official storys and Comics linked to the film. I doubt HAXAN FILMS will make an ignorant film. (HFA NEWS)

19th of December 99

Areas in New Brunswick are being scouted as locations for a 16th century village called BLAIR. Well this is of course for the shooting to the prequle of "The Blair Witch Project". The release date is now OCTOBER 2000. There is no director attached yet, but ED and DAN have been writing it. (HFA NEWS)
9th of December 99

SEQUELS.. They asked if people wanted to see them.. Everyone pretty much said NO.. They said they were writing one..
 23 Novemer 99

 FOUR different writers are working for ARTISAN writing BLAIR WITCH 2. However they are not working together they are working seperately.. It is a competition now. (CSO) I think this film will go the way of Freddy Vs. Jason.. Procrastination.
 18th of November 1999.

"Blair Witch 2" moves ahead slowly. Artisan have gotten Jon Bokenkamp to hand in a script for a possible sequel. The script will be handed in early next year. This does not mean the HAXAN guys will be in the lurch at all. Sacnhez and Myrick are still working on HOL and FEARSUM the FOX tv show. (CSO)

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