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The Main Camp Tea Tree Oil Plantation

Main Camp Achieves Organic Conversion Certification

In what many industry observers are describing as a major break through for organic farming practices, Main Camp, the world's largest producer of Australian Tea Tree Oil, was formally certified by NASAA (the National Association of Sustainable Agriculture Australia) as having achieved organic conversion status for the first two stages of its plantation.
The announcement which was made by Ken Lodge, Executive Officer of NASAA, on February 6th signifies a major advance in the large scale production of top quality Australian Tea Tree Oil by environmentally sustainable organic farming methods.

Mr Lodge said the Main Camp plantation is a "showpiece of sustainable agriculture on a large scale". To achieve organic conversion certification a company must be inspected and audited by an accredited certifying body as having converted to organic sustainable farming methods. After a company has been certified to conversion status they must be inspected annually for up to three years before receiving full certified organic status. NASAA implements the stringent international standards set by IFOAM (International Federation Organic Agriculture Movement) which are recognised world wide as the highest standards for organic farming.

The certification establishes operating norms to ensure the organic integrity f the product through all stages of production and distribution guaranteeing that no artificial fertilisers or chemically synthesised pesticides, weedicides, fungicides, fumigants or growth promotants have been used.o
The Main Camp property, which was used to graze cattle before the Main Camp Group took it over in 1992 has become a bench mark for the development of environmentally sustainable practices on a large scale. The company has implemented a number of innovative strategies to control both weeds and pests without the use of chemicals. These include the implementation of a biological pest management system and a wetlands rehabilitation program designed to encourage native flora and fauna back to the property. To oversee the management of its environmental programs the company employs a full time entomologist and environmentalist whose role is integral to the plantation's operations.

In accepting the Organic Conversion Certification Mr Don Priest, Main Camp Marketing's Managing Director, said "The granting of Organic Conversion Certification to Main Camp shows that large scale agricultural developments can work in harmony with nature and one would hope sets an example for other producers to follow."

The Main Camp plantation has nearly 50 million tea trees under cultivation and will produce 200 tonnes of ultra pure, high quality tea tree oil in 1997, however, only 40 tonnes of this will be available as organic conversion certified. Intending purchasers should contact their distributors early to avoid disappointment.



НАШ АДРЕС : [email protected]



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