Sweeping changes to licensing laws are to be outlined
in a Government White Paper due to be published in the next few
months. These measures are thought to include round-the-clock
opening, and may empower local authorities to take over the role
of the licensing justices.
Experience in Scotland shows that just because a pub is open beyond
11pm people don't just carry on drinking. In fact they are more
likely to stop early when there is no fixed closing time.
Restricted opening hours were introduced during the Great War
to counteract German propaganda that munitions workers were idling
in pubs. This ridiculous restriction continued when the war ended,
and it is only recently that opening hours have been extended.
During the millennium celebrations some pubs were open for 36
hours non-stop, without any real problems. Soon, 24-hour opening
could be possible in some pubs.
This same White Paper may also propose a penalty point system
for licensees who keep unruly pubs. When there is a brawl in the
bar, or if there are licence infringements, licensees could be
handed penalty points. Once over a points limit, licensees could
lose their licence.
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