2000 Annual General Meetip of CAMRA Stafford and Stone Branch
will be held in the upstairs room of the Bird in Hand, Stafford
at 9.30pm on Thursday 4th May.
The Branch is undoubtedly less active than it was some years
ago, this is because fewer CAMRA members have attended meetings
and volunteered to take tasks on.
At this AGM we would therefore welcome all local CAMRA members
(and potential members), especia1y those who might be prepared
to serve on the Committee.
Stafford's West Way pub has joined the Bird in Hand and Eccleshall's King's Arms in Stafford College's 'Learning Pubs' initiative, which aims to take learning into the community.
The Forester &
Firkin, Stafford will be converted by new owners Bass into one
of their 'It's a Scream' theme pubs.
Following the closure of its brewery in September, the Eastgate
Street pub has stocked four cask beers, Burton Ale, Tetleys Bitter,
Marstons Pedigree and Wadworth 6X.
These beers will however be withdrawn despite a poster in the
pub last October proclaiming that Burton Ale and Tetleys Bitter
were being introduced "in response to customer demand".
Bass either have little regard for their
customers' wishes or they believe that Stafford drinkers have
suddenly taken a dislike to the 1990 Champion Beer of Britain
(Burton Ale) and a top selling cask session bitter (Tetley's).
With little prospect of decent cask beers, many customers will
be using other pubs in the town centre instead.
With policies which include irresponsible promotions, Bass have
been strongly criticised for their Its A Scream concept, which
is aimed at 18 to 25 year olds.
licensee Robert Smith left the Swan Inn in late January after
nine months at Stone's leading free house.
Careful refurbishment of the ground floor and an excellent range
of up to eight real beers have made the Swan a very popular,
and often busy, pub.
The Swan is now being run by Brian and Geoff Blundell who have
plans for further renovation work at the Stafford Street pub.
This could include the pub's old stable building being converted
into a micro brewery before the end of the year.
Robert Smith (centre) with Geoff and Brain Blundell pictured last year.
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