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Dragons of Pern
Can you see her?
How she flies so proud!
Casts her wild wings
Over water and cloud

The images available in The Harper's Window are cross indexed by category. You may find that some images therefore appear on more than one page. You will find also that each page has at least one picture that doesn't apply to any other category.

On another note, against my original intent for the site, I will post not only the full color images, but the old pencil and inks as well. I want to graphically remind myself of the workI have yet to do. They are all slated for reproduction in color, so if you come back one day and find that the original pencil version of an item is half finished or no longer available, you'll know the reason why.

These pages are graphics intensive.I hope you consider it worth the wait!

Bronze hatchling Caryla and hatchling queen Brendeth The Watchrider Little green Xebeth and Nymera Weyrling, flitter and hatchling dragon Samirith and Hannova flying Fall The original splash graphic for the Harper's Window The very first I did - three dragons flying drills A peaceful interlude between friends Defying the Dawn - Color version complete! Defying the Dawn - The queen is in color at last!
Golden SaschaE-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: The Curio Cabinet

NOTE!: Pern is copyrightto Anne McCaffrey)l967 and The Dragonriders of Pern. is a registered trademark. The artwork shown here is not intended as a challenge to her copyrights. As such, I do not charge for portraits made for characters based on herwork. Actually, I'm not a professional - I don't charge at all - I'm justhaving fun. In light of this, the images here are not to be used for general publications, and certainly not for profit. The work shown is an effort of D. McCoy unless otherwise noted.