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Title: People Stained Glass
Look sharp, stand straight
Honor queen and Weyr -
For once forged, ever last
The bonds made here.
The images available in The Harper's Window are cross indexed by category. You may find that some images therefore appear on more than one page. You will find also that each page has at least one picture that doesn't apply to any other category.
Due to a number of folks saying they could not see the full images, the thumbnails are now linked to the original, eliminating the need to use the context-sensitive browser menu to view full sized images.
These pages are graphics intensive. I hope you consider it worth the wait!
Weyrharper Hannova, Master Harper Chemen, Master Harper - Artisan Weyrling Caryla and young queen Brendeth Bronze rider An'tony with Hannova Gwenyd, Journeywoman Harper Nora, Lady Holder  Wolf Call Hold Weyrlingmaster G'ran, bronzerider Wingsecond M'gan, brownrider Jaylan, Journeyman Weaver Nymera as both woman and child, Paper Dragon Nymera, Greenrider An aged picture of Hannova, 9th Pass L'ran, Weyrleader Weyrling, flitter and hatchling dragon Xebeth strikes a pose A peaceful interlude between friends
Golden Sascha E-mail: [email protected]
Homepage: The Curio Cabinet

NOTE!: Pern is copyright to Anne McCaffrey l967 and The Dragonriders of Pern. is a registered trademark. The artwork shown here is not intended as a challenge to her copyrights. As such, I do not charge for portraits made for characters based on her work. Actually, I'm not a professional - I don't charge at all - I'm just having fun. In light of this, the images here are not to be used for general publications, and certainly not for profit. The work shown is an effort of D.S. McCoy unless otherwise noted.