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Star Trek Related Quotations

from non-Star Trek sources

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

"My marriage didn't work out.  I was a human being and he was a Klingon." - Carol Liefer

"According to a recent study, ten percent of 'Star Trek' fans meet the psychological criteria for addiction.  Deprived of their favorite show, some Trekkies display withdrawal symptoms similar to drug addicts.  Of course, the real difference is that drug addicts aren't nearly as annoying." - Jay Leno, The Tonight Show, NBC

"Calm may work for Locutus of the Borg here, but I'm freaked out, and I intend to stay that way." - Xander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Prophecy Girl

"Beam me up, Scotty!" - Frohike, The X-Files, Fearful Symmetry

"... Dr. Spock's phaser ..." - Mike Millar, The X-Files, Tempus Fugit

Karl's synopsis of Star Trek episode:  "Captain Picquard trusts his bartender's instincts and saves the Federation."
Wil Wheaton explains why everyone in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" is so nice:  "I figured there was this holocaust, right, and the only ones left alive were Donna Reed, Ozzie and Harriet, and the Cleavers." 

"Beam me up, Scotty." - Rockhound, Armageddon

Doctor Harry Dalton: "...  This is a smokey quartz crystal.  ..."
Lauren Wando: "You know about this stuff?"
Mayor Rachel Wando: "Doctor Dalton's a geologist."
Dalton: "Volcanologist, actually."
Lauren: "You mean, like Doctor Spock?"
Graham Wando: "Mr. Spock."
Dalton: "Well, kind of, but without the ears." - Dante's Peak

"This little puppy is called spider legs.  She goes where it's too dangerous for us.  Boldly goes, I might add." - Doctor Harry Dalton, Dante's Peak

Quotation, punctuation, spelling and trivia research included:

Televised episodes

Videos of the televised episodes

Novelizations of televised episodes

Reference publications

Other individuals or web sites credited in the Links section or with their contributions


Reference publications includes:

The Fifth and Far Finer than the First Four 637 Best Things Anybody Ever Said chosen and arranged by Robert Byrne.  A Fawcett Crest Book published by Ballantine Books.  Copyright by Robert Byrne.

Reader's Digest

No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.