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Quotes from Miscellaneous SciFi Movies

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Quotation, punctuation, spelling and trivia research included:




Reference publications

Other individuals or web sites credited in the Links section or with their contributions

Novel sequels

Reference publications includes:

The Dictionary of Film Quotations by Melinda Corey and George Ochoa -- Copyright � by Melinda Corey and George Ochoa; Published by Three Rivers Press, a division of Crown  Publishers, Inc.


Copyright � Twentieth Century Fox - No infringement intended.

Kane: "Quit griping!"  
Lambert: "I like griping."

Parker: "It's got wonderful defense mechanism: you don't dare kill it."


Copyright � Twentieth Century Fox - No infringement intended.

Sergeant Apone: "All right, people, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I love the corps!"

Bishop: "I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid."

Bishop: "I'm afraid I have some bad news."  
Private Hudson: "Well that's a switch."

Private Frost (after being ordered to unload weapons): "What the hell are we supposed to use, man? Harsh language?"

Lt. Gorman: "I'm coming in."  
Private Hudson: "I feel safer already."

Corporal Hicks: "I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

Private Hudson: "Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man? 
Private Vasquez: No, have you?"

Hudson: "Is this going to be a standup fight, sir, or another bug hunt?"  
Gorman: "All we know that is there still is no contact with the colony, and that a xenomorph may be involved."  
Frost: "Excuse me sir, a what?"  
Gorman: "A xenomorph."  
Hicks: "It's a bug hunt."

Hudson: "We're on an express elevator to hell - going down!"

Newt: "My mommy always said there were no monsters, no real ones, but there are."  
Ripley: "Yes, there are."  
Newt: "Why do grown-ups say that?"  
Ripley: "Because usually, it's true."

Ripley: "These people are here to protect you. They are soldiers."   
Newt: "It won't make any difference."

Ripley: "You're going out there to destroy them, right?  Not to study, not to bring back, but to wipe them out?"

Ripley: "Get away from her, you bitch."

Private Vasquez: "Look man! I only need to know one thing - where they are."

Alien 3

Copyright � Twentieth Century Fox - No infringement intended.

Andrews: "This is Rumor Control. Here are the facts!"

Dillon: "You're all going to die. The only question is how you check out. Do you want to go on your feet? Or down on your ... knees ... begging? Well I ain't much for begging! Nobody ever gave me nothing! ... Let's fight it!"

Alien: Resurrection

Copyright � Twentieth Century Fox - No infringement intended.

Distephano: "I thought you were dead!"  
Ripley: "Yeah, I get that a lot."

Elgyn: "My authorization code is E-A, T-M, E."

Johner: "So, I hear you, like, ran into these things before?"   
Ellen Ripley: "Yeah."  
Johner: "What did you do?"   
Ellen Ripley: "I died."

Johner: "What a waste of ammo. Must be a chick thing."

Purvis: "God, I am so tired."  
Johner: "Sleep when you die, man."

Pervis: "What's inside me?"  
Ellen Ripley: "There's a monster in your chest. These guys hijacked your ship, and they sold your cryotube to this ... human, and he put an alien inside of you. It's a really nasty one. And in a few hours, it's going to burst its way through your rib cage, and you're going to die. Any questions?"

Ripley: "When I sleep, I dream about it. Them. Every night. All around me, in me. I used to be afraid to dream, but I'm not anymore. ... no matter how bad the dreams get ... when I wake up it's always worse."


Copyright � Touchstone Pictures - No infringement intended.

Grace Stamper: "Listen Harry!  AJ's my choice.  My choice and not yours."
Harry Stamper: "He's the only one in your age bracket, Grace.  It's not a choice, it's a lack of operations."

Grace: "I learned about the birds and the bees from Freddy Noonan's tattoos."

Rockhound: "Beam me up, Scotty."

Oscar: "If you had to say, who would you say?"
AJ: "I don't know, Oscar?  Who do you think you are?"
Oscar: "Han Solo!"
AJ: "No, if anybody's anybody, I'm Han.  And you're -- you're Chewbacca."
Oscar: "Chewie?  Have you even seem Star Wars?"

Rockhound: "Yeah, I remember this one.  It's where the coyote sat his ass down in a sling shot and he strapped himself to an Acme rocket.  Is - is that what we're doing here?  --  No, no, really, because it didn't work out too well for the coyote...."
Dan Truman: "Actually, we have a lot better rockets than the coyote.  Now when you've finished your Road Runner thrust move, you'll be moving at 22,500 miles per hour."

Rockhound: "You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder.   Makes you feel good, doesn't it?"

Rockhound: "This place is like Dr. Seuss' worst nightmare."

AJ: "Have you ever heard of Evel Knievel?"
Lev Andropov: "No, I never saw Star Wars."

Jennifer Watts: "Back off!  You don't know the components."
Lev: "They're components, American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan."

The Arrival

Char: "I got tired of rich guys with good futures."

Zane: "Algorithms I trust. Boolean logic I trust. Beautiful women, they just mystify me."

Gordy: "If you can't tend to your own planet, none of you deserve to live here."

Barb Wire

bw2.jpg (10546 bytes)  barbwire.gif (261735 bytes)  bw.jpg (8151 bytes)

Girl: "What are you doing?"
Barb Wire: "Ever see Batman?!"

Barb (Narration): "I had to do a little moonlighting to keep my bar running.  Not an easy life.  A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.   And in this world, you got to use everything you got."

Barb: "Don't call me -- babe."  WAV

Schmitz: "... Barb, it's a pleasure to see you, too.  You're looking rather buoyant this evening."

Schmitz: "Bounty hunting is an ugly, unpredictable business."

Schmitz: "It's a pleasure doing business with you, Barb."
Barb: "If it was a pleasure, Schmitz, I'd charge more."

Barb (Narration): "Willis, Steel Harbor's Chief of Police.  He was a drunk with sticky fingers, but at least he was honest.  He admitted he was a liar and a thief."

Barb: "I don't moonlight."
Willis: "I do.  It's very profitable."

Charlie: "Drink when you want to remember, Barb.  Don't drink when you want to forget."

Barb: "Relax Schmitz.  You can only die once."

Willis: "Sometimes all you get are dreams.  Well, every man in Steel Harbor dreams about Barb Wire."

Pryzer (re: Axel and Cora D): "Who are they?"
Barb: "I picked them up off the Boulevard.  I like a good m�nage every now and then."

Big Fatso: "Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?"

Pryzer: "This is just like my favorite song - 'I Got You Babe'."
Barb: "Don't call me Babe."

Willis: "I do believe I'm falling in love."
Barb: "Get in line."

Batman (1960s)

Commissioner Gordon (re: Joker, Riddler, Catwoman and Penguin joining forces): "The sum of the angles of that rectangle is too monstrous to contemplate."


Copyright � Warner Bros. - No infringement intended.

Joker: " Wait'll they get a load of me."

Joker: "Can somebody tell me what kind of the world we live where a man dressed up like a bat gets all of my press?"

Joker: "Where does he get those wonderful toys?"

Joker: "Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

Vicki Vale: "I mean, let's face it.  You're not exactly normal, are you?"  
Bruce Wayne:   "It's not exactly a normal world, is it?"

Reporter Robert Wuhl: "Lieutenant, is there a six-foot bat in Gotham City?  And if so, is he on the police payroll? And if so, what's he pulling down -- after taxes?"

Batman Forever

Copyright � Warner Bros. - No infringement intended.

"If knowledge is power then a god am I."

"Now who in the right mind has bats on the brain?"

"What is it about the wrong kind of man? In grade school it was guys with earrings. College, motorcycles, leather jackets. Now, black rubber."

"You like strong women. I've done my homework. Or do I need skin-tight vinyl and a whip?"

"You should have let me in on this. We could have planned it, prepared it, pre-sold the movie rights!"

"Then it will happen this way: You make the kill, but your pain doesn't die with Harvey, it grows. So you run out into the night to find another face, and another, and another, until one terrible morning you wake up and realize that revenge has become your whole life. And you won't know why."

Robin: "Holey rusted metal, Batman!"

Batman Returns

Copyright � Warner Bros. - No infringement intended.

"You poor guys. Always confusing your pistols with your privates."

"You got to admit I played this stinking city like a harp from hell."

Catwoman: "I don't know about you, Miss Kitty, but I feel -- so much yummier."

Catwoman: "I'm Catwoman! Hear me roar!"

Catwoman: "Meow!"

Catwoman: "Life's a bitch. Now so am I."

Catwoman: "He knocked me off a building just when I was starting to feel good about myself."

Catwoman: "It's the so-called normal guys who always let you down. Sickos never scare me. At least they're committed."

Catwoman (to Penguin): "... I wouldn't touch you to scratch you."

Penguin: "You're just jealous because I'm a real freak and you have to wear a mask."

Penguin: "They would put me on a pedestal so I'm laying them on a slab."

Max Schreck: "One can never have too much power.  If my life has a meaning, that's the meaning."

Bruce Wayne: "You have kind of a ... kind of a dark side, don't you?"   
Selena Kyle: "No darker than yours, Bruce."

Creature, Peter Benchley's (Made for TV mini-series)

Copyright � Hallmark Entertainment - No infringement intended.

Narrator: "Now you're not safe anywhere!"

Doctor Simon Chase: "Everyone's got to cut loose once in a while."

Talman: "My father used to say 'All men are born to the hunt'."

Admiral Richland: "Do nothing.  Do not try to capture it.  Do not try to kill it.  We will take care of it."

Talman: "My loyalty is ... to the truth."

Chase: "Max ... some pretty weird stuff's going on around here."     
Max: "Supremely weird!"

Marine: "Sir,  when you mind telling us exactly what we're going after here."  
Richland: "We're going after a shark.  Just a shark."

Werewolf: "Walking!  It was never meant to do that?"

Chase: "People are being killed and I think Navy research knows why."

Doctor Amandy Macy: "This isn't some new species we've discovered, it's an aberration."

Chase: "How did that thing learn to walk?  How did it grow arms?"

Chase: "We've got to get this thing before it gets too smart to kill."

Chase (re: Puckett): "That man is dumber than an idiot!"

Marine: "Arms, legs, air, water!  The only question I have it is when I issued this thing in the head, how dead will it be."

Macy (re: Marines searching tunnels under research site): "What are they doing?"  
Richland:  "They're doing what the Navy has trained them to do."  
Chase: "So is the creature."

Richland: "What Bishop was doing a down here was never sanctioned by the Navy.   It doesn't exist."

Max: "The creature came after us through the jungle."

Chase: "Why aren't we still together?"  
Macy: "Your obsessive and I'm compulsive!"   
Chase: "We're both insane.    I don't know why we're not still married."

Chase: "It's more than a shark your dealing with.  It's part human."

Macy: "This isn't a hybrid.  Hybrids are sterile.  This is an entirely new species."

Macy: " You were here 25 years ago. ...  Why didn't you kill it then?"   
Werewolf: "My blood!  It's a part of me."

Werewolf: "I cannot let it die alone."

Dante's Peak

Copyright � Universal City Studios, Inc. - No infringement intended.
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Doctor Harry Dalton: "Do you know what this is?  ...  This is a smoky quartz crystal.  ...  I had one just like it when I was your age.   It's very lucky."
Lauren Wando: "You know about this stuff?"
Mayor Rachel Wando: "Doctor Dalton's a geologist."
Dalton: "Volcanologist, actually."
Lauren: "You mean, like Doctor Spock?"
Graham Wando: "Mr. Spock."
Dalton: "Well, kind of, but without the ears."

Rachel: "A man who stares at a rock must have a lot on his mind -- or nothing."

Dalton: "I've always been better at figuring out volcanoes than people or politics."

Dalton: "This little puppy is called spider legs.  She goes where it's too dangerous for us.  Boldly goes, I might add."

Terry Furlong: "Houston, we have a problem."

Rachel: "Fun is what you have when you don't have two children, a business and a town to run."

Deep Impact

Copyright � Paramount Pictures and Dreamworks L.L.C. and Amblin Entertainment - No infringement intended.

Jenny Lerner: "We know everything."
Alan Rittenhouse: "No body knows everything."

Rittenhouse: "I know you're just a reporter, but you use to be a person, right?"

Jenny: "No such thing as two weeks in the news business."

Jenny: "I always thought the truth's in the nation's best interest."

Chloe: "Life goes on."
Jenny: "Life goes on. (Ha! Ha! Ha!)"

Jenny: "Isn't it true -- that not everyone in your administration is convinced that the Messiah will save us?"

President Beck: "Life will go on.  We will prevail."

Sarah Hotchner: "I think it's really neat.  No body on our block discovered the world was going to end before."

Jason Thurman: "Famous people always get sex....  That's the main reason it's good to be famous."

Mitch (re: the young members of the Messiah crew): "They're not scared of dying.  They're just scared of looking bad on TV."

Robin Lerner: "People need continuity."

Spurgeon 'Fish' Tanner: "We can do or we can teach."

E.T. the Extraterrestrial

"How do you explain school to a higher intelligence?"

Flash Gordon

Copyright � Famous Films, B.V. and Universal Studios Home Video - No infringement intended.

Emporer Ming: "I like to play with things a while - before annihilation."

Hans Zarkov: "My mind is all I have.  I spent my whole life trying to fill it."

Dale Arden: "I'm locked in Ming's bedroom."
Flash Gordon: "Fake him out."
Dale: "How?"
Flash: "Girl's know how, Dale.  It's been done to me."

Dale (to Aura): "Keeping our word is one of the things that make us better than you."

Invasion: America (Animated Made for TV Mini-Series)

Copyright � DreamWorks L.L.C. -- No infringement intended.
Part I:  The Legend

Cale Oosha: "My Father taught me 'Rights of others are sacred.'"

Part II:  Assault

Major Philip Stark: "I do not like being shot at."

David Carter: "Yosh!" (Tyrusian for 'Awesome!')

Raif: "You want to be a warrior!  Then you must learn to follow orders as well as give them."

Carter: "I am half human, half alien and all together alone.   But I am not done fighting."

Part III:  Renewal

Carter: "If I'm going to fight this war, I can't do it alone."

Carter: "That meant finding my way our of a million square miles of kitty litter."

Stark: "Chain of command ... we've got to follow procedure."

Doc: "I'm no hero and I don't intend to die like one."

Carter: "If I had to go down, I'd go down fighting."


The voice of Colonel (Later General) Konrad is provided by Leonard Nimoy.

Jurassic Park

"Yeah, but when the Pirates of the Carribean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists."

The Lost World - Jurassic Park


Ian Malcolm: "... when you spin reality, when you cover up evidence, it hurts."

Malcolm: "There aren't any versions of the truth."

John Hammond: "I'm not making the same mistakes again."
Malcolm: "No, you're making all new ones."

Malcolm (to Hammond): "So you went from capitalist to naturalist in just four years."

Eddie Carr: "You can't shave three days off my deadline and expect everything to be ready."

Carr (re: satellite phone): "You've got to baby it a little bit.  You've got to love it."
Malcolm: "I'll love it when it works."
Carr: "It'll work when you love it."

Nick van Owen: "Hammond's check cleared or I wouldn't be going on this wild goose chase."
Malcolm: "Where you're going is the only place in the world where the geese chase you."

Small Soldiers

 Copyright � Dreamworks LLC and Universal City Studios, Inc. and Amblin Entertainment, Inc. - No infringement intended.

Irwin: "The real world sucks."

Allan Abernathy: "I'm more of an X-Files kind of guy myself."
Christy: "The truth is out there."

Major Chip: "It's a small world after all."

Irwin: "You put munitions chips in toys?"

Archer: "My Gorgonite brothers are doing what the Gorgonites do best -- hiding."

Major Chip: "Nick Nitro's battery has run out, but his memory will keep going, and going, and going."

Star Command

Copyright � Wilshire Court Productions, Inc. - No infringement intended.

Commander Sigrid Ivorsdattar: "So ... we get to take a green crew and a light Corvette to a hot border."  
Captain Shade Ridnaur: "The right way, the wrong way and the Navy way.  You got to love it."  

Admiral Oort: "During your four years at the Academy, you've been trained to handle every conceivable problem.  Now, you'll be asked to take that training into the real world and to handle the burden of command.  Our service was created to guard and protect humans as we made our first hesitant steps into the wider universe.  In our innocence, we anticipated alien and unknown dangers.  Instead, we brought our dangers with us.  Greed.  Resentment.  Bigotry.  Hatred.  That braid on your sleeves does not place you beyond these emotions.  But if you keep faith with the values we've taught you, with the honor and duty that is the Star Corps, then I think you'll be fine."  

Gage: "Sometimes things are just going to happen and there's nothing anybody can do about it."  

Ensign Tully Vallis: "Core meltdown!  That'll ruin the day.  Excellent!"  

Vallis: "Oort?  ...  You might to reread the Regs so you can be useless next time, too."  
Ensign Meg Dundee: "Oh, and your wisecracks were so helpful."  

Ensign Ken Oort (to Vallis): "I think we need to settle this, huh?"  
Dundee: "Oh, great.  Great.  Go boil your heads in testosterone."  

K. Oort: "Probably think I'm not too bright, huh?"  
Ensign Ali McGinty: "Well, I don't know about the underlying guy thing that drives it, but I admire guts.  Back at the bar, how did you know?"  
K. Oort: "About the gun?  I watch.  Look, I'm sorry.  I know that sounds -"  
McGinty: "I'm usually cooler than that.  I just - it brought back some old memories.  ...  You better get some sleep.  Oh, and by the way, Oort, I don't mind you watching me."  

Ridnaur: "An impressive amount of time you've been spending in Pleasurenet."  
Vallis: "Begging the Captain's pardon, but I don't see how my off-time is any of his concern."  
Ridnaur: "Oh, really, Mr. Vallis?  Allow me to clarify your position.  You're an Ensign in the Star Corps under my command.  Your life is mine.  I understand you've expressed a desire for command.  ...  Let me give you some advice.  Spend your time with friends, not Pleasureware.  Captains lead isolated lives.  It's necessary in order to maintain that godlike air of infallibility.  But it gets  damn lonely.  ...  Oh, one more thing.  You might want to try and make some."  
Vallis: "Sir?"  
Ridnaur: "Friends, Mr. Vallis.  Friends."
[Pleasurenet and Pleasurware are Virtual Reality type programs]  

Ridnaur: "Codes can be broken or stolen, Mr. Oort.  I prefer to keep my finger on the trigger till somebody offers me a drink."  

Ridnaur (re: Meraz): "Hell, we found it first.  Finders keepers is an honored tradition among humans."  
Admiral Charlie Wa Thondu: "So is stealing something, fair and square."  

Ivorsdattar: "Burning the wick a bit short, Ensign?  Would you relax?  You know, it's never going to work, Oort.  You can study until doomsday -- Coral Sea, Inchon, Oort at Beiama -- you're never going to find the answers because they're not here.  They're here (pointing at Oort's head), and here (pointing at Oort's heart), and sometimes here (pointing at Oort's crotch).  I'm going to do you a big favor, Oort.  I'm going to free up all this time for sleeping."  

Ensign Phillip Jackson: "Why don't we fold?  We can't fight in fold.  Nobody can fight and fold.  We'd be safe in fold."

Ridnaur: "Fly this bird like your life depended on it."  

Jackson: "We should surrender."  
McGinty: "I don't believe they've offered us the option."  

K. Oort: "Hang on to your butts, everybody."

McGinty: "Systems are dropping all over the ship.  The main computer core's heading south."
Ensign Yukiko Fujasaki: "What?  There's no alarm."  
McGinty: "So the thing is too damn dumb to yell for help."  

Fujasaki: "Wipe all nonessential performance programming."  
McGinty: "So he can link directly to the main computer core."  
Artie (ship's robot): "You realize I will no longer be able to see to the comforts of the crew?  While my functions aren't glamorous, they do serve -"  
Fujasaki: "Shut up, metal mouth.  We need your memory wires for more important things."  

Vallis: "I consider hopeless pretty damn tough, Oort!"  

Artie: "The ship has always been very dismissive of my abilities, referring to me as 'the parlor maid'.  Well, she'll sing a different tune when she's restored to function and discovers I'm the one who held her programming."  
Vallis: "Great.  Appliance rivalry."  

Dundee (to Oort): "You saved our butts once.  Now we want you to keep doing it."  

Jackson: "I am not going to sit around and play space cadet to the Admiral's little boy, get toasted while he tries to win himself a medal."  

Dundee: "Artie, I can't do my job if I've got to spy on my shipmates.  We've got to trust one another."  

Vallis: "Graduating brilliantly and posthumously beats flunking out."  

Fujasaki: "We should get out of this snow as quickly as possible.  The extreme low temperatures combined with the chemical makeup of the snow could crack our suit seals."  
Vallis: "Hasn't that kid figured out that we don't want to hear about every possible disaster?"  
McGinty: "She's an engineer."  

Fujasaki: "Artie, watch where you point yourself!"  
Artie: "Sorry, Ma'am.  I forget they're only flesh and blood."  

Dundee: "I can only fight one enemy at a time."  

McGinty: "Ken, you're trying to find a clever solution.  Sometimes, there isn't one.  Sometimes it's just hard."  

Vallis (re: Cynosura ships): "Catching them's the easy part, but what do we do once we've caught them?"  

Dundee: "I think we just shot our wad of brilliant ideas."  
Vallis: "Yeah.  Permission to get really depressed?"  
K. Oort: "Denied.  Think, don't mope."  

Vallis: "I think better in my Pleasureware."  

Fujasaki: "I love Pleasureware, but I also feel stupid that my brain can be so easily fooled by my eyes."  

Vallis: "This is great.  My can gets toasted, and then I get worked on by a toaster."  
Artie: "My programming exceeds the knowledge that a mere human physician possesses, Sir."  
Vallis: "Well, your bedside manner really stinks, Artie.  Get lost, appliance."  

K. Oort: "We'll do the best we can."  

Vallis: "I don't believe this.  They dump these people in a war zone, provide them with a defense system and they don't pack the bullets."  
McGinty: "The Cyners don't know that, though.  They'd waste, at least, one shot on the platform."  
Vallis: "Well, that's a ray of sunshine.  ..."
Dundee: "Well, it's been memorable."   

K. Oort: "Sir, what is our current status with Cynosura?"  
Wa Thondu: "The diplomats are calling this an 'unfortunate incident'."  
McGinty: "So no war?"  
Wa Thondu: "No."  
Dundee: "It sure seemed like a war from where we were sitting."  

K. Oort: "How did you know to make like the Cavalry, Sir?"  
Wa Thondu: "Ridnaur and I were classmates and shipmates.  When he didn't report, I figured he'd run into something ugly around Meraz."  
McGinty: "So, you guessed."  
Wa Thondu: "A time-honored military tradition."  

Vallis: "Sir, we're heroes now.  Maybe the Star Corps can dispense with the rest of our training."

Star Kid

Copyright � Trimark Pictures, Inc. -- No infringement intended.

Miss Holloway: "If you run away from the things you're scared of it doesn't get any better.  The  fear doesn't go away.  In fact, it just gets worse."

Spencer: "Face your fears!"

Stacy: "Little survival tip: stay out of my way."

Stacy (quoting Mom): "Think of someone you really admire and ask yourself what they would do in that situation."


Lois Lane: "You've got me. Who's got you?"

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

"It's in your nature to destroy yourselves."

"You just can't go around killing people."

"On August 29th 1997 it's going to feel pretty ... real to you too. Anybody not wearing 2 million sun block is going to have a real bad day ... Get it?"

"If a machine, a terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too."


Copyright � Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. -- No infringement intended.

War Operation Plan Response (WOPR): "Shall we play a game?"

David Lightman: "What is the primary goal?"  
WOPR: "To win the game."

David: "Is this a game or is it real?"  
WOPR: "What's the difference?"

Stephen Falken: "Extinction is part of the natural order."

WOPR: "A strange game.  The only winning move is not to play."