Read Public Law 100-294

[ Physical Abuse | Sexual Abuse | Neglect | Emotional Abuse ]


Physical Abuse

The most visible form of maltreatment,
defined as a physical injury resulting from:
**or otherwise harming a child.

It is possible for these types of injuries to occur by accident,
abuse should be suspected if the explanations do not fit the injury
or if there is a pattern of repeated injury.
Meaning, if the same type or types of injuries keep re-occurring.
Also, the existence of several injuries in different stages of healing
make it obvious they did not happen as a result of one accident.

A child who is consistently withdrawn or overly aggressive,
who complains of soreness or wears inappropriate clothing for the weather,
or who is a chronic runaway may be a victim of abuse.

While corporal punishment is not considered child abuse,
many child development and child welfare professionals believe
that spanking, hitting or slapping is not an effective form of punishment.
Once physical methods of discipline are put into practice
they can escalate into physical abuse,
if the frequency and severity are increased.
No child deserves to be hit for any reason.

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Sexual Abuse

Click here for a brief description of the many forms of sexual abuse...

In most states, the legal definition for the sexual molestation of a child is
an act of a person (adult or child) which forces,
coerces, or threatens a child to have any form of sexual contact
or to engage in any type of sexual activity.

Sexual abuse is not always committed by a stranger,
the majority of the time its a adult or another child
that you have entrusted with the role of care taker.

Sexual abuse includes both touching and not touching offenses.
In its most extreme form it includes intercourse and any deviations of.

Also included are:
**indecent exposure
**masturbation in front of a child
**exposing a child to the act of sexual intercourse
**exposing a child to pornographic material
**fondling a child
**making a child touch an adult's sexual organs
**any penetration of a child's vagina or anus -
***by any object that has no valid medical necessity
***no matter how slight
**sexual exploitation for purposes of -
***or pornography

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Click here for a brief description of the many forms of neglect...

Child neglect is the most common form of reported maltreatment.
(53% of estimated substantiated cases)

Neglect can be defined as failure to
provide needed, age appropriate care.
It represents an on going pattern of inadequate care.
Indicators of neglect can include:
**poor hygiene
**poor weight gain
**inadequate medical care
**frequent absences from school

It is estimated that 8 out of every 1,000 children
experience physical neglect, which may be:
**child abandonment
**inadequate supervision
**failure to provide for the child's safety,
physical and emotional needs.

Medical neglect is the harm by a caretaker
to a child's health due to failure to provide
for appropriate health care of the child,
although financially able to do so,
or offered financial or other means to do so>
This may also include prenatal (before they are born / in the womb) exposure to drugs.

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Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is commonly defined as a pattern of behavior that
can seriously interfere with a child's positive emotional development.
Those harmful behaviors can include:
**constant rejection
**belittling the child
**name calling
**lack of love and affection
**screaming or yelling
**refusal to provide basic nurturing
**refusal to get help for psychological problems
**scape-goating - such as blaming the child for the adults problems
**failure to provide the physical or mental stimulation
that a child needs to grow
**exposure to domestic violence
**exposure to corruption such as -
***drug abuse
***or criminal activity

Children who are constantly shamed, terrorized, humiliated,
or rejected suffer at least as much, if not more,
than if they had been physically abused.


There are many different forms of child abuse,
more often we find them in combinations.
Abuse could possibly br the cause serious behavioral,
emotional, or mental disorders. It is very important that
the children who suffer from any type of abuse get help
as soon as possible. If you know any child / children, help
them have a fighting chance. Report any suspicion of abuse to
the proper authorities...
Some parents, guardian or caregivers use excessive, extreme even
sometimes bizarre forms of punishment, such as torture, or locking
a child in a dark closet. These also are sufficient to warrant the
intervention of Child Protective Services.

Ten Alternatives To Lashing Out At Your Child
7 steps to end abuse
Where to get help / How to report
Child Abuse Prevention Act
Helpful Links

Sexual Abuse | Emotional Abuse | Physical Abuse | Child Neglect


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