Sexual abuse includes both touching and not touching offenses.
At its most extreme it includes intercourse and any deviations of.

Also included are:
**indecent exposure
**masturbation in front of a child
**exposing a child to the act of sexual intercourse
**exposing a child to pornographic material
**fondling a child
**making a child touch an adult's sexual organs
**any penetration of a child's vagina or anus -
***by any object that has no valid medical necessity
***no matter how slight
**sexual exploitation for purposes of -
***or pornography

Below you can find a brief description of the many different types of sexual abuse.

[ Incest | Molestation | Stranger Rape | Acquaintance or date rape |
| Sexual assault | Self exposure | Voyeurism | Exposing children to pornography ]


Sexual abuse by family members or relatives...Incest

Sexual abuse of a child by other family members appears to be
the most common type. This category also includes step-parents,
aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents.

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The act of sexual molestation...

Sexual molestation can happen to any one at any age and
be committed by a perpetrator of any age or gender.
It is sexual abuse involving sexual stimulation to the body
and genital areas, including penetration.

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The act of stranger rape...

Stranger rape can happen to anyone of any age or gender,
it includes but it not limited to: anger, when "power and control"
is expressed sexually in an attack on a victim, it may or may not
include violence and or violent penetration of any body openings.

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The act of acquaintance or date rape...

This form of sexual abuse is not necessarily violent.
It occurs when someone is perpetrated by somebody that they
know. The atacker is often a peer in a trusted social relationship.

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The act of sexual assault...

This is a very broad term, it can cover a wide range of activities,
which include a physical attack to the victims sexual body parts,
often involving force or violence.

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The act of self exposure...

This act can be performed in many ways for instance,
can include but is not limited to flashing, exposing the naked body,
displaying ones sexual organs and or masturbation in an effort
to shock, scare, intimidate, or sexually arouse a victim.

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The act of voyeurism...

This act is an invasion of a victim's privacy when done either
secretively or openly with the intent of gaining self sexual gratification.
As well this can happen to victims of all ages and genders.

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The act of exposing minor children to pornography...

This act includes but is not limited to exposing a child to adult
sexual activity, pornographic movies, magazines and or photographs.
May also include having a minor child/ children pose, undress
or perform in a sexual fashion on film, video or in person.

Sexual Abuse
Take 10 minutes to teach your child to be safe
Signs that might indicate that a child has become a victim.
What to do if your child discloses sexual abuse.
What feelings a victim of sexual abuse may be experiencing.
Common myths and the realities about child molesters.
Informative links on child sexual abuse.

Child Pornography