Kathy L's OutLook Express Holiday Stationery Collections

Currently featuring stationery for New Years, Valentines Day; Mardis Gras; *Martin Luther Kings Day; *Lincoln's Birthday; *Washington's Birthday ; St Patrick's Day; Easter ; Mothers Day; *Memorial Day; Fathers Day; 4th of July; Halloween; *Veterans Day; Thanksgiving & Christmas !

**These selections will be found on the Patriotic Stationery Page

New Years Stationery (special Milleniun stationery will be here in time!)

Valentines Day Stationery

Mardi Gras Stationery

St Patrick's Day Stationery. Page created 2/27/99

Easter Stationery

Mothers Day Stationery

Fathers Day Stationery Page created 5/23/99

Halloween Stationery

Thanksgiving Stationery

Everone's favorite - Christmas Stationery  !

To Patriotic Stationery

Martin Luther King Day : 1-17-2000 Lincoln's Birthday : 2-12
President's Day : 2-21-2000 Washington's Birthday : 2-22
Armed Forces Day : 5-20-2000 Memorial day : 5-29-2000
Flag Day : 6-14 Independence day : July 4th !
Columbus day : 10-12 Veteran's day : 11-11

Just have USA Patriotic Days at this point. Will be adding other Countries Special days soon I hope!

Please Note : The Stationery offered on these pages is for private email or Ng use only. It is not intended for use on other web-sites or for commercial gain in any way. Please respect the creators efforts and take care to give proper credit when you use it. Thanks. The management. :-)

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