2. How can I save the images and sounds I see and hear in messages ?

So you want the email button or the cute little animation or the midi too? Easy.

If you're using OE4 :

Click on reply or forward and then click on Format in the toolbar. Select plain text. You will be prompted with a 'Do you really want to do this?' type message. Click yes. Next exit out of the message without sending/posting it by clicking on the X button in the upper right hand corner. You will be prompted with another message : "Do you want to save these changes?" Answer YES. The message will then be sent directly to your Drafts folder, where it will be waiting for you, in plain text format with all the embedded objects showing up as different attachments at the bottom . To save them to your directory, right click on the image and choose 'save as'. Browse to the folder where you want to save it, give it a name and add the proper extension. (.jpg or .gif or .mid etc). Depending on how the item was embedded, it may show up as an attachment with a .dat extension. If there was only one thing embedded in the mail/post, then you know what it is. If it's a midi save it with the .mid extension. If it's an animated picture, save it with the .gif extension, if it's a stationary image, use the .jpg extension. If there's more than one attachment with the .dat extension, and you have no idae which is which, save each one three times, once with each type extension to a temporary folder. Then go to the folder and click on each one to open it. Only the one with the correct extension will open correctly for you. Delete the ones that don't.

If you're using OE5 :

Saving images couldn't be easier! Just right click on the image you want to save and choose the 'save as' option. With OE5, the correct graphic extension will automatically be applied.

To save sounds, change your mail sending option to 'plain text' and then click on the forward button. You'll see all the embedded objects appearing as attachments at the top of the message. Simply save them from there. To change your mail send to plain text, click on Tools/Options/send tab. At the bottom of the dialogue window that opens, put your check dot next to plain text in the mail section.

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