3. How can I create stationery in Front page Express?

(from Shaun)

First, you need to have FrontPage Express to create the stationery. It comes free, as an accessory to Internet Explorer 4.+ . True you can just post backgrounds, but if you want to do a little more, this program is free & it is what I use. Click on start, programs, Internet explorer & if you downloaded & installed it, that is where it will be. If you didn't download it, click on the help menu in your I.E. toolbar and choose 'Product Upgrades'. You'll see where to download it there.

If you haven't yet, open FPE, right click on the page, choose page properties, click on the background tab, put a check mark in background image, click browse, go to program files, common files, Microsoft shared, stationery, then find the background or picture you want to use to create your stationery. double click it & click o.k. The image should fill up the page.

Right click on the page again, this time choose margins, click on the bottom one (specify left margin & put in a number..try 200). Click o.k. then click enter, this should move your cursor over to the right past the pics. If it's not exactly where you'd like it to be, repeat the process, using a different number. Play with the left margin number till you get it where you want it.

Now for some fun & games -- click on insert, marquee, type in your name, click o.k. Then click once on the name, you should get some handles around it, then click on format, font, change the font, color & size here.

If you have a mail button or some other graphic or animation you would like to add to the stationery as well, put your cursor where you want it to be added, click on insert from tool bar and then choose image. Browse to where the image is stored, highlight the filename and click on open. If you want to add your email address to an email icon, click on the button and choose image properties. Click on the 2nd browse button. From the dialogue box that opens, toggle the little button at the top where it says http: down to where it says " mailto", then enter your email address in the place provided. Click ok, then ok again.

Click on file save, then click on as file, be sure to name it & save it in the stationery folder. (default location : C drive > Program Files > Common Files > Microsoft Shared > Stationery)

Go to OE, from the mail portion, click on the down arrow by compose message, click more stationery & find the stationery you just made, e-mail it to yourself & see how it looks.

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