4. How can I embed sound in my messages?

For OE 5 :

What a snap this is with OE5 ! Just click on the format menu, then background, then sounds. Click on the Browse button. By default, you'll be taken to your Windows Media folder. From there browse to the directory where you have the sound you wish to embed, highlight the sound and click on 'open'. Note the 'file types' listed in the lower window. If the type you want to use isn't listed there, click on the button to the right of the 'file types' and scroll to the one you want.

For OE 4 :

1. Create a folder on your C drive and call it Music.

2. Put the midi's you want to embed in this folder..be careful to name them so there are no blank spaces. For instance.. cakewalk or cake_walk as opposed to cake walk.

3. Now, within your Music folder create another folder. call it Midi codes

4. Now : copy the following text from black to black and put it on your clipboard.. (just highlight the area that begins in black down to where the black text ends and click on edit and then choose copy)



<title>sound send</title>



<IMG id=midi src="C:\music\Cakewalk.mid" style="DISPLAY: none">


function PlayMusic(Titre)

{document.writeln ('<BGSOUND src="'+Titre+'" loop=999>');}





OK.. See the part underlined? the part that says cakewalk? That's the part you will erase and replace with the name of your chosen midi. This assumes that you have the midi on your C drive in a folder named Music. If you have a fifferent path to your midi, type in the complete path name wher it says C:\music above.

5. Now go to start..programs..accessories and open notepad.

6. Once in notepad, click on edit and then paste. This will put the above 'code' onto your notepad.

7. Go to the part that says cakewalk and carefully delete those letters and replace them with the name of one of your midi's that you have in your music folder.

8. Click on file and choose save as. toggle the part at the bottom that says save as type : "Text Files" down one so that the box says "all files".

9. browse to your midi code folder and type in the name of your midi.html (example : cakewalk.html)

10. Open O/E.. click on insert and choose where it says "text from files". toggle that part down to say "HTML files". browse to your midi code folder and highlight the 'code' file you just created in notepad and click ok. You should see a little box with a red x in it. You won't hear anything. (note : this process will no longer be necessary with the new Outlook Express that's currently in beta mode)

11. send this to yourself. Once it arrives back to you, you should be able to hear your midi.

12. To easily make more of these html code files, go to your midi code folder and highlight the code file you already have there. tap your right shift key while clicking on the code file. A menu box will open with among other options, an "Open with" option. Choose this "open with" option and, BEING CAREFUL NOT TO HAVE THE 'ALWAYS OPEN WITH THIS' BOX CHECKED, scroll down the alphabetical list til you get to notepad. click on that. Recognize it? Edit it the same way for your new midi and save it the same way you did before.

* This code was broken down by Tarsinge, Michael Pietri & Steve Cochran. Many thanks to them all!

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