5. How can I make stationery like Shaun's, with the image on the left, without having it tile all over the screen when someone else tries to use it?

How to Create Left Border stationery in PSP that doesn't tile when saved as stationery?

These instructions were created for an creating an image in an oval shape.

1. open PSP

2. now..click on file and choose open, browse to where you have your chosen image stored, high-lite it and click on open

3. click on view and make sure you have all the 'bars' clicked..status..style etc

4. take note of the size of your jpg (in the right side of status bar) the status bar is at the bottom..look at the numbers on the right of it..should see #x#. If it's larger than 250 x 250, that's a bit large for stationery so we're gonna change the size. There are 2 ways..resample and resize..resample is always the preferable option if available (and it is available with jpg files)..gives a clearer picture.

5. go to image ...click on resample

6. click custom size

7. click "maintain aspect ratio"..then change the width to 250, the lenghth will automatically change to 'maintain the aspect ratio'.

8. then click ok. so now..size on status bar says 250 x length..right? size is important.

9. next step..you're going to choose the color you want for your background. This is often best done by choosing one of the colors that's in the image. Click on the icon that looks like an eye dropper.. pass it over your image and left click on the color you think you'd like to use..as you choose you'll see the color box under your paint palette change to the chosen color. That will set your foreground color, which is the one that would be used by the paint brush, flood fill , spray can tool and font for writing.

10. ok..now, there are a lot of fancy things you could do with the image at this point..especially once you download some filters..but for this basic lesson you're just going to place the image into an oval shape.

11. See the icon that looks like a rectangle, to the left of the yellow lasso? (The selection icon)..click on it. On the new style bar that opens, change selection type to ellipse..then toggle the feather button to it's max of 20. Now..this is important if you're working with PSP4, you can only do ONE edit undo at a time (if you're using PSP5, this is not a problem) ..that means, if you screw up..you only have 1 change to undo

12. what you're gonna do next is to place the oval over your image and capturing what you want in the oval by starting at the upper left of your intended oval, holding down left mouse button, drag cursor to lower right...you'll see an oval form around your image. Remember to do edit undo in between each attempt..(it usually takes me several attempts before I get the image centered the way I want it within the oval) be careful not to let your oval go out of the edges of the image..cuz that would cause straight edges.

13. Once you have the oval section you want selected , click on edit and choose copy (you've now placed the oval image onto your clipboard)

14. Next you're going to create the horizontal strip that you're going to place this oval image on. I usually use a width of 1024 for this, (this is the maximum width of most screen settings used). If you don't make it wide enough, the whole thing will tile (repeat itself). The height should always be at LEAST the height of your image..

a. click on file

b. choose new

c. you will be asked for size of new window..type in 1024 x the height of your image.

15. .. click on the floodfill icon..that's the one that looks like a paint can slightly tilted.

16. see where it says fill style? do you want a solid color background..or would you like one that fades from light to dark? For a light to dark background, ..under fill style..choose linear gradient and then click on the options button that's next to it. move the dial in the options window to 3:00 o'clock....stop when it says 90 degrees. this creates a vertical gradient. You don't want a horizontal gradient because it will repeat in bars.

17. Now with your flood fill (paint can cursor)..click on the new image window and watch it fill with gradated color, using the colors you've previously selected for your background and foreground colors.

18. Now..click on magnifying glass icon and click on horizontal 'strip' window once so it's easier to see close up..then change back to selection icon (the rectangle icon).

19. Now..click on edit> paste ..then choose 2nd option "as new selection" and place your oval image in the left margin..when it's where you want it.., to add a neat special effect, while it's still selected, click on Image, scroll down to special effects and choose drop shadow. Until you learn more, accept the default settings in drop-shadow window and just click on OK. Now, to de-select the image and see what you've created, click outside the image

20. Now..click on file and choose "save as "..making sure file type says jpg.. (bmps are way to big!) browse to your stationery folder and give it a name. The .jpg extension will be automatically applied to the file name for you.

21. minimize PSP to your task bar and open Front Page Express.

22. From here, follow Shaun's instructions on how to create staionery in FPE. (Question # Number 3 on OE Tips main page) . I've taught this to myself, so there may well be much better or easier ways..this is in response to all who have asked me how I create mine. KathyL

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