7. How can I make a signature to use in mail & news messages?

(these instructions were written by Suze..thanks Suze!)

If you have IE, you probably also have Front Page Express (FPE), a free program that with IE4+.  (If you can't find it, click on your IE help menu and choose 'Product Updates'. You'll find it there)

You can make a simple sig in that, although many of us use a graphics package called Paint Shop Pro to make fancier ones.  If you don't have it, go to the IE download site and get it.  

  • To make a simple sig, all you have to do is open FPE,   You'll get a nice white screen. 
  • Place the curser on anywhere on the screen and right click.
  • On the drop down menu, select Page Properties.
  • Click on the Background tab.  On the left center you'll see two option boxes for background color and font color. 
  • Use the dropdown menu to select "Default" as the background color.  This will make the area around your sig the same color as any background someone uses. 
  • Then select any font color you'd like.  Click OK.  (Your screen will turn grey to indicate that it's in default color mode.)
  • Go to Format/Font on the menu bar and select a font you like.
  • Type your name.
  • Go to File/Save As
  • Give the file any name you'd like
  • Select the "As File" option and make sure it's saved as an html file.

To use the file as your signature, open Outlook Express.

  • Select Tools/Stationery. 
  • You'll see two tabs, Mail and News.  Select whichever one you want.
  • On the lower right of each is a button that says Signature. 
  • Press it and check the box that says "Add this signature....". 
  • Then mark the option for "File" and "browse" for the sig file you just created. 
  • Highlight it and click ok.  Your sig will now be added to all new messages. 
  • You must do this for the Mail and News separately.
  • If you want it added automatically to replies, check that option.

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