8. How can I add my email address or home page URL as a 'hypelink' either in a mail/news message or in my signature ?

Another easy one, once you've been shown how.

  • Open Outlook Express.

  • Whether in mail or News reader, click on compose or, if if reading a message you want to reply to, click on reply.

  • Type your name, (or what ever it is you want to hyperlink) and then highlight the part you want to be 'clickable'

  • While you have a selection highlighted, you should see a little icon in your formatting toolbar that looks like a paperclip over a globe. If you don't have your reader set to display ypour formatting toolbar, you can click on 'insert' on the mail tool bar and select hyperlink from the drop-down menu.

  • click on the hyperlink tool and a drop-down menu will appear. Select what type of hyperlink you want (email address = mailto: ; Web address = http:// ) and then type or paste in where you want to send your reader.

That's it! It's that easy. You'll notice the area you had highlighted is now underlined. That's because it's now a hyperlink! The link won't work until the message has been sent/posted. To test it first yourself, send it to either yourself or your drafts folder.

To add the same kind of hyperlinks to your automatic signature, You can follow these same instructions with your signature (see Tip # 7) while in Front Page Express. FPE also has a paper clip hyperlink icon, and it's used the same way.

If you have IE, you probably also have Front Page Express (FPE), a free program that with IE4+.  (If you can't find it, click on your IE help menu and choose 'Product Updates'. You'll find it there)

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