The Gulf of Gunthak is the only port on Broken Skull Rock. Every other place where the island meets the water is steep, rocky and exposed to the rough weather. That does not mean Gunthak is an entirely safe harbor, as the shore of the gulf is barren and rocky, and the cliffs beyond the bay are holed with caves. Most of these caves are shallow, but a few of them lead deep into the cliff and open into a rather expansive cavern system.
This is the gateway to the lair of the Broken Skull Clan. It serves as the home for the newly recruited clan members and temporary housing for anyone that the clan trusts just enough not to kill outright. Anyone wishing to learn about this fierce group of Trolls should start here and, if they are lucky, find the passages into the deeper parts of Broken Skull Rock. Rumors have reached many adventurers that they may find welcome, or at least a safe landing, near the abandoned lighthouse.
Dulak's Harbor lies in a vast cavern beneath the rocky island. The troll marauders have built their dark, rough town along the calm shores of the harbor. Using whatever they have at hand, the inhabitants are constantly rebuilding and adding to this city. An eerie feeling surrounds the city; a malevolent undercurrent beyond just the unpleasant nature of the creatures living there.
Most of the expected amenities are available here, if you're a member of Clan Broken Skull. Taverns, crew quarters, stores, docks, and shipyards fill the city. Rails can be seen in parts of the city, and following them one way could lead an adventurer to the refinery and the nearby smiths. Luggalds guard the temple, the most unusual and unpleasant building in town. Anyone foolish enough to get close to the temple is engulfed by the palpable fear and hate that seep from within.
Deep inside Broken Skull Rock are the Torgiran Mines, where downtrodden slaves delve into the ore-rich depths of the island. The ore is moved by rail out to Dulak's Harbor, processed in the refinery, and used to create ship's fittings and primitive weapons. The mines themselves occasionally dip below sea level, sometimes even uncovering lava pools. The Luggald have erected shrines and etched mystic runes in the mines, which seem to prevent them from flooding.
Hidden in the bowels of Broken Skull Rock lies the Crypt of Nadox. The tomb of the ancient Troll shaman Nadox is hidden within these caverns bearing his name. Filled with various shrines and temples to honor the god of the Broken Skull Clan, the crypt is a dangerous place to any who venture there. Only the most powerful of the clan are allowed into the crypt, and they guard the area with fierce devotion.
It is rumored that there is a hidden lagoon in the Crypt of Nadox where the leader of the clan keeps his ship. Of course they also say that the ship is filled with ill-gotten booty that the various troll pirate captains have gathered up over the ages. The name of this legendary ship is well known by those that sail the seas, and can be heard on the lips of members of the Broken Skull Marauders. Most sailors understand that such a ship is probably merely a rumor, invented over a foamy mug of ale in a dockside tavern.