More photos from Edinburgh 2000-2001

Click on the thumbnails below to see them larger.

Royal Mile & St. Giles  Old Town, New Town  The Castle

Ceilidh  Scots dragon?  Dragon

Diving on the crowd  E-mail  Waverly Station

Old Town  Princes Street  Castle & Ferris wheel

The Castle  St. Andrew's Hotel  Princes Street

Crowds gather  Edinburg's Hogmanay  Princes Street crowds

Millennial fireworks  New Year's fireworks  Fireworks finale

St. Andrew's Cathedral  Cathedral ruins  Old Town & Arthur's Seat

St. Giles Cathedral  Fleshmarket Close  Fleshmarket Close  Canongate Cemetery  Canongate Tollbooth  Royal Mile, Canongate

All images © 2001 Andrew William Robson
All Rights Reserved

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