Thoughts and Ramblings...
On the bookshelf above the desk is a great collection of books.
Some are newer, others are old looking, but they all have one thing in common:
They have been well loved. Many of the books are antique, but still in
pristine condition. Ellie must love to read! The works span centuries and
continents: Dante Aligieri, Homer, Ovid, Robertson Davies, Henrik Ibsen... The
list goes on and on! You are in awe of this wondrous collection. Even this large
library cannot contain the novels and epics that she keeps. You reach for one of
the books, and as you pull it from the shelf, a type-written page falls to the
floor. It seems to be a compilation of quotes. As you look it over, you realize
that it was meant to be found. It is written in first-person, much like a letter,
but to no one in particular. You begin to read it. It was left there for you
to find.
I am quite enchanted by the facinating ramblings of the great.
Within the pages of written language, I have chanced upon many insights buried beneath the words
of authors, essayists, poets, and dreamers alike.
* One of my favourites is Robertson Davies. He was one of the great
elitists of our time; an arrogant and wonderful gift to the world
of literature.
- "I think that civilization--life--has a different place for
the intelligent people who try to pull us a little further out of
the primal ooze than it has for the boobs who just trot along behind,
dragging on the wheels. This sort of reputation has won me the
reputation of being an elitist. Behold an elitist." -R. Davies
- "I do not believe in wasting good talk on people who are
plainly unable to appreciate it." -R. Davies
On atheism:
- "I'm not surprised. You created a God in your own image, and when
you found out he was no good you abolished him. It's a quite common
form of psychological suicide."
-R. Davies, Fifth Business
- "As a general thing, people marry most happily with their own kind.
The trouble lies in the fact that people usually marry at an age where
they do not really know what their kind is".
-R. Davies
* The following is another quote that I found to be equally intriguing:
- "The misconception which has haunted philosophic literature throughout
the centuries is the notion of 'independent existence.' There is
no such mode of existence; every entity is to be understood in terms
of the way it is interwoven with the rest of the universe."
North Whitehead