
this part of the page has things written by me.  well...some are by me, not all of them.  writing is one of my favorite things to do, and I've put some of my favorite writings on here. i will personally send you a $10 gift certificate to lechter's housewares if you can tell me what banana's poems are about.

about the poets...

untitled- me
poor man's bliss- me
night- banana
it- banana
i wish-banana
untitled- morgan/kevin
i dont have a name- morgan
vicious woman rants- liz
greg- lauren
once- lauren
tom- lauren

other writing
an introduction to stylized vocabulary
MC tiger woods
what's droo?
have you ever noticed...
a freestyle session about liz schmidt
things i have learned from watching friday
drunk driving dissertation
whatever happened to poetry?

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