"By David Griffiths"
Dot's Page
I would like to share with you a few things, that I have
seen, through out the web.
It is such a marvelous place,
There are so many choices,
as in life.
I hope to share with you
Things that make you think,
 appreciate, and remember ,
What love and strength
are, and what they can
accomplish in life.
For as long as there is Love
There is hope
 .See I believe there is always hope.
There will be awards
(when I win some)
and groups
(when I join some)
I hope to find people,
and places that feel
the way I do about
life and dreams
Because we were not meant
to travel this world alone.
This is how I found my friends.
It is an amazing piece of work.
Thanks to this little button
I can talk to my husband everyday
(he's in Germany)
Yet, never spend a dime.
I can talk to my friends on the net
and not go through my days
only talking to children
So I can stay in touch with
family and friends at the tip of my fingers.
Please pray for Sissy

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