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In the North End
The Stadium
Visiting Fans
From the Archives

In the North End
The fans get psyched for a new season in the North End

Holding the Jersey Flag, watching the video board and waiting for the players to take the field.

A bit of stir-craziness begins to set in? Nah, that's just Todd acting normally.
The section starts filling up...we had well over 100 people in the section for this game.
Our favorite security guard - the infamous Naya Man (well, okay, this year he's going to have to be known as Aquafina Man...)
Our tailgate location, around 2 hours before the game - right off the southwest corner of the stadium. Click here for more information on the tailgates!
Another view of the tailgate, a bit closer to game time.
Brian and Tom discuss the upcoming game.
Brian (another one) tries to hide - feeling guilty, eh? ;-)
Mark and Tom show their friend Wayne what soccer is like in real life, as opposed to on TV. As soon as I learn not to take pictures directly into the sun, we should have a more decent shot of these three...
Brian (yes, still another one - there are shitloads of Brians in the North End) bundles up while Robin tries to decide if she's ever going to take off her backpack.
Drew and Michelle toast the new season. Umm...they're drinking IBC Root Beer - yeah, that's it...IBC...
Robin has apparently decided to keep her backpack on. Behind her you can see the Stadium Club (that pointy-roofed tent) and the west stands of the stadium.
Eric, Steph, and Tim ponder whether they should've brought parkas. Speaking of which, why are none of these guys in Crew colors??? (just kidding ;-)
The Stadium
Panorama of Hunt Park from the North End - taken pregame as the fans file into the stadium.
The North End banner - a collective effort between a number of aesthetically-minded fans and some key club officials. Many thanks to Chief, Brian, Eddie, and many many others for helping to make this a reality!
Not to be outdone, our friends the 107 Hooligans have put together their own banner - quite a nice one, in fact. Well done guys (and drop me a line if you ever get a web page set up!)
Visiting Fans
The first visiting fans we officially entertained - the Mystics (Kansas City Wizards), from their visit on June 8th, 1996. This was the first annual "Hunt Family Reunion" - planned this season for the Crew's match in Kansas City on July 22nd.
Our greatest rivals - the Screaming Eagles (DC United). This was from their visit for Game 2 of the '99 semifinals - a 5-1 shellacking of DC courtesy of a John hat trick and individual tallies by Elcock and Cunningham.
Some Northenders take this opportunity to serenade the Eagles in preparation of their pasting.
From the Archives
From 1996 - an early tailgate from the Crew's inaugural season. Visible are Christine, Mark, Matt, and Jeff.
One of the first Columbus Crew cheering sections - from the days when supporters were scattered at the corners of Ohio Stadium. This was Contractors SC, in the northwest corner. Also around at that time were the Wrecking Crew (southwest corner - they're still around near the players' entrance tunnel in the new stadium) and Shadowbox Cabaret (southeast corner). We've obviously come a long way since this time.
A number of fans at a rally for a stadium downtown. The banner we're holding was sent to us from sympathetic fans in Los Angeles pledging to come out for a game if Issue 1 had passed. It didn't.