Game Day in the North End starts around 3 hours before the game, and can continue for many, many hours after the match is over. On a day when all of our projects are underway, the schedule will look like this:

Kickoff - 3 hours: Prep the Jersey Flag
The core Jersey Flag team (anywhere from 4 to 10 people, email Matt Bernhardt to volunteer) assembles at Hunt Park to prepare the Jersey Flag. This consists of unpacking it from its storage crate, and laying it out on the grass in front of sections 136, 137, and 138. If the game is televised, this work will have to be coordinated (and possibly delayed) to make sure that no TV cables are laid atop the Jersey Flag (which would make it hard to unfurl the Flag ;-) The Flag is left in this position, with the top edge of the flag laying on top of the pile for easy unveiling. The core team then returns to tailgating - this entire process takes no more than 30 minutes.

Kickoff - 2 1/2 hours: Start Your Tailgates!
The location is illustrated at right (on the grass next to the large drainage ditch west of the stadium) - we're there basically starting around 2 1/2 hours before kickoff. Tailgating is a pretty laid-back affair - bring some food, drinks (beer if you're of legal age is actively encouraged ;-) and a grill if you have one. There's no system of paying for food because of permit issues, so things work on the barter system. Just remember - nobody likes a moocher, so be sure and bring some grub occasionally.
In addition to tailgating and stuffing our faces, somebody will generally bring a ball for a quick kick-around in the drainage ditch (one reason we're where we are - not having to dodge cars or worry about pissing folks off) so bring your game and prepare to take on all comers! For more information on the tailgates, see this web site or email Brian Lower at [email protected]

Kickoff - 30 minutes: Invade the North End
As game time approaches, we'll break the tailgate down and start heading into the stadium. Any food left unattended will be packed into one of our cars, and can be picked up after the game. This is also the time when we break out the game banners and start setting them up, and if Shadowbox is at the game they'll start assembling their drums around this time. If the Jersey Flag is on for the day, the core team will take their positions with around 5-10 minutes to go, and get ready for action. This time will also be spent talking to the folks around us, making sure nobody's surprised by what's about to happen.

Kickoff - 5 minutes: All Hell Breaks Loose...
If we're doing the Jersey Flag (or the ribbons), its unfurled as the Crew takes the field from the tunnel. Run the flag up as fast as possible while the players make their way around the field, and punch at it from below so it ripples beautifully. The Flag will be up for about 45 seconds, or as the players leave the tunnel of Crewzers at midfield - at which point bring it down quickly (but safely). Its got to be down before the player introductions or the National Anthem (especially the Anthem). The core team then will bundle up the Flag, and drag it under the north stands - where it will be repacked after the game.
The psychological warfare starts early with us - immediately after each away player is introduced, feel free to yell whatever phrase comes to mind - we've found that "sucks" works fairly well to get the blood flowing :-) This is paired with the practice the Crew have fostered of the PA announcer reading a Crew player's first name with the crowd screaming the last name.

Kickoff: The Game
Basically, if you don't know what to do now, what the heck are you doing in the North End? ;-) Cheer. Sing. Clap. Celebrate your team, the game, the people around you, etc. The only restraints are common-sense stuff - don't go starting riots or anything, and remember that its not absolutely necessary to swear every other word or be completely disgusting, vulgar, and offensive to every single person around you. Of course, for some wankers (err...I mean referees and certain east coast teams) you just can't help a wee swear word here and there... :-)

Game + 2 hours: Back to the Tailgate!
Traffic being what it is around Hunt Park (a frequently ugly mess of people trapped in traffic), we've found its best to just head back to the tailgate and party for a while there. Generally there's some food and drink left over, and we just can't let things like that go to waste, right? The post-game tailgate can last as long as we need it to - basically until the traffic's gone.
Not that we're done with the game day - far from it. Usually we'll find a place to head for a bit of proper post-game carousing (last year it was BW-3s in the Brewery District - this year it may be there, or at Fado out at Easton, or...) We'll figure it out on a game by game basis. We'll be out until we're not - and then its back to the stadium on the next game day to do it all over again :-)

Below is our master list of activities - assume unless noted that we're doing the normal tailgate and post-game celebrations. Any questions? Pay attention to the various web message boards (BigSoccer and or just email Matt Bernhardt for the latest scoop.

Date Home Score Away Kickoff Fan Project
3/18 Tampa Bay 1-5 Columbus 7:00pm Road Trip?
3/25 Columbus 2-1 San Jose 7:30pm Jersey Flag?
4/1 Columbus   Chicago 7:30pm Ribbons?
4/8 Columbus   Los Angeles 7:30pm
4/15 NY / NJ   Columbus 7:30pm Road Trip
4/22 Columbus   Colorado 7:30pm
4/29 Dallas   Columbus  8:00pm Road Trip
5/3 D.C. United   Columbus 7:30pm
5/6 Columbus   NY / NJ 7:30pm
5/13 Tampa Bay   Columbus 7:00pm Road Trip?
5/20 Columbus   Dallas 7:30pm Jersey Flag?
5/27 Miami   Columbus 7:30pm
6/3 Columbus   D.C. United 7:30pm Jersey Flag?
6/7 Dallas   Columbus 8:00pm
6/10 Columbus   Dallas 4:30pm
6/17 Colorado   Columbus 9:00pm
6/24 Columbus   New England 7:30pm
6/28 Columbus   Tampa Bay 7:30pm Jersey Flag?
7/1 Columbus   San Jose 4:30pm
7/4 Los Angeles   Columbus 10:30pm
7/8 Chicago   Columbus 8:00pm Road Trip
7/12 Columbus   New England 7:30pm
7/15 Columbus   Kansas City 7:30pm Jersey Flag?
7/22 Kansas City   Columbus 8:30pm Road Trip
8/2 San Jose   Columbus 10:00pm
8/5 New England   Columbus 7:00pm Road Trip?
8/12 Chicago   Columbus 8:00pm Road Trip
8/16 Columbus   Miami 7:30pm
8/26 New England   Columbus 2:00pm Road Trip?
8/30 Columbus   Tampa Bay 7:30pm Ribbons?
9/2 San Jose   Columbus 10:00pm
9/9 Columbus   Chicago 7:30pm Jersey Flag?