Welcome to the Contacts Section, here you'll be able to find mailing addresses of Blink182 related people, companies, etc. Basically, just any addresses that I think might be useful. But remember, you gotta be nice when you contact someone, so use your manners. Our friend Holly is not showing a good example with her cell phone...
My Address
You can e-mail me here if you have any questions or comments (don't be shy!).
Blink182 Mailing Lists
If you send an e-mail to one of these addresses asking to join their Blink182 mailing list, then they'll add your screen name to their list and send you an e-mail full of Blink182 updates and news every so often. Don't worry, it's okay to be part of more then one mailing list. By the way, mine's the better one!
Blink182 Clubs
Interested in joining an online Blink182 club? Why not take a look, it's worth checking out. Here's the address:
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