Better than Starbucks
This would be the Downloads section, so if you're looking for Blink182 related paraphenelia, you've come to the right place. All the files in this section are free of copyrights, so you can use them for whatever you'd like.

WinAmp Skins

WinAmp is a small program that is used to play MP3's. You can download it at if you don't already have it. WinAmp skins are just like what their name suggests, they're the "skin" of the program. So you can download skins to give your WinAmp some personality. You can find a more detailed explaination of how to use skins at the WinAmp homepage if you're interested. Here are some Blink182 skins you can download:

Midi Files

Here's the Blinked list of midi files. Midi's are small music files, sorta like an MP3, but the songs don't have any lyrics. I think they're pretty fun though, why not try one out?


Here are some Blink182 music videos. They may take a long time to download, but they're well worth it. If I find any other videos, I'll be sure to post them here.

Scott's Super Happy Jolly Factory

If you have any downloads you'd like
to contribute to this site, or know where I could find
something cool to add to the section, please let me know.

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