Better than Starbucks
Okay, I know. You've probably already wondered "What's with the gurl?". That would be Holly. I guess you could say Holly's the good luck charm, mascot, logo, and female influence of Blinked. Holly's also a big help, she's sorta like my devil's advocate, she puts in a good word where it's needed. Anyhow, I've said my bit, just one more thing. Holly isn't exactly predictable (gurls...) or controllable for that matter, so whatever happens here, happens. I dunno, there just isn't much I can do about it really...

Get that cursor off me,
this is MY sandwich! Enema for all! This is the BEST way to 
dry your hair... really!

Ya, that's enough from you Scott. Hiya! I'm Holly. Lucky me, I've got a section of my very own :)
  My job is just to behave myself and talk about the best band in the world, Blink182!
But that doesn't mean I'm going to... only if I feel like it!

C'mon, I know you do!

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