art forum: images of fun for the masses
Hello nation! My name's Mavis Object, but please don't hesistate to use your own.
I'm here to show you some of the lovely art from the new exhibition, "Spiral Without
Consequences". I'm sure you'll love the flowing lines and bold colours within. I do. Great!
This lovely image came to me in a dream. I scribbled it down myself.
Good, isn't it just? But slightly haunting, none the less, and hence
unsuitable for those of a weak disposition.
I really don't see what's funny about this, at all; although they seem
to lack face, and that chap on the right's head seems too small for his
body. Give me a royal break.
This one's called "My Name Is Brain". It received a very favourable
review in last week's Time Out:
I like this one; it's got a certain "ooomph" about it.
Hope you enjoyed that. I would have done, but I was exposed to Haddaway half-way through,
as per usual! Goodbye.