
Step 1- Planing and Approval

Step 2- Recruit Teams and prepare for the day

Step 3- Hold the event


Question and Answer

First Aid/ CPR

Passive Victim

Active Drowning Victim

Spinal Injury Rescue

Tube Relay Team



City of Omaha
Parks and Recreation
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Active Victim



The active victim part of the competition was a relay. All team members had to be a victim and a rescuer. When the event started the first rescuer would swim across and get a victim on the other side of the pool. The event went as Rescuer 1 to Victim 3, Rescuer 2 to Victim 4, Victim 1 to Rescuer 3, Victim 2 to Rescuer 4. It may seem very confusing, but if you write it down and think about it, the order does make very good sense. This part of the competition was set up to help the teams practice their rescue skills while also making them swim a distance.


The lifeguards score was based off of their time. The event started with the stopwatch. When the last rescuer made it to the side, then the time would stop. If there was a mistake in the rescue or how the lifeguard would swim, than they would get time added on to their final time. Times were evaluated and the team with the top time received 30 points, the second place team received 25 points and the third place team received 15 points. All other teams received 10 participation point.


The top three teams are as follows:

1st Place: Gallagher
2nd Place: Miller Water Park
3rd Place: Oak Heights


Lifeguard Competition 2003