Hi! If you have Matt news, write to me at matt_rap@hotmail.com.)

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a forum for sharing news among Matt fans.

ATPH news - Thus wrote Val:

Also from Val:
KEVIN SMITH & DOGMA: Check out Kevin Smith's official website, View Askew,for his perspective on the DOGMA controversy and the latest pictures of Matt and other cast members. I don't have the address, but it will show up on a search under 'Kevin Smith.'

Variah wrote:

And from Felicity: 6/24/99
Rejoice! The drought is over. Recall a while back Felicty wrote that it was mentioned somewhere that Matt and Ben will be presenting some kind of award to Howard Zinn. I didn't pay a lot of attention, thinking that Matt is still filming ATPH. Lo and behold, today both E! and ET showed a few seconds of that Sinclair Upton award ceremony. There they were: Matt and Ben, both in suits, on stage making synchronized gestures to welcome Zinn on stage. The E! show came on first in my area and the clip caught me by surprise, so much so that by the time I trained my eyes to the screen he was gone. It didn't help that they show a short,short interview with Ben and nothing of Matt.
The ET segment was a little better. They showed a clip of the part from GWH where Matt mentions Zinn's book, and then, gasp, finally a closeup of Matt, uttering something like "I read 'The History of the People' when I was ten(!); my mom walked me through it." (Ah, he still can't get through an interview without mentioning his mom :-)
If you have been worrying about Matt's appearance these days: have no fear. He is as hot as ever. His hair is dark and he looks to be thinner than his GWH days, but those killer eyes and that boyish charm are INTACT. I didn't realize how much I missed seeing him.
Well, suddenly life is beautiful again. And it looks like that Fenway Park appearance next month is for REAL, so stay tuned.

Someone has seen "Ripley":
Thus wrote Felicity:

There is word from Matt fan "flipper" that the Fox network is showing the film Geronimo: An American Legend tomorrow (Wed) at 8:00 p.m. ET. This is a Western, with quite a bit of Matt in it. Matt plays a young army officer and there are a number of memorable scenes. Check it out if you have access to the Fox network.

The draught may be finally over - this from Felicity:

A Matt fan who is touring England wrote: Val wrote: Felcity wrote: (Note: If this report is accurate, then we might get a glimpse of Matt on Access Hollywood/ET next Friday. But I agree with Felicity, who went on to write: " I don't think this one is going to come off. I presume the date was set when Pretty Horses was scheduled to finish this week or so, but who knows? Maybe an appearance in LA next week."

On E! News today, the poll of the day is "Who should play Annakin Skywalker" in Star Wars Episode 2. Matt is among the four young actors cited. There has been some observations that Matt bears a resemblance to John Lloyd, the kid who plays Annakin in Episode 1. The Drudge Report, an online newspaper, wrote that Matt signed with Lucas a while back - probably unreliable news.

Elizabeth wrote to let me know of an intersting article which showed up on Mr. ShowBiz on 6/1. It seems that Corey Feldman, the actor, had some choice words to say about Matt and Ben, esp. the latter. Read the article

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