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Season 2: Episodes 022-031 (11) (1996)

Production Credits

     Executive Producer ......................... Susan Fales
                                                  Ross Brown
                                                  William Bickley
                                                  Michael Warren

     Supervising Producer ....................... Thom Bray &
                                                  Michael Ross
                                                  Ron Burla

     Associate Producer ......................... John Barney
                                                  Augustine Melendez

     Produced by ................................ Karen K. Miller
                                                  Brenda Hanes-Berg

     Created by ................................. Ross Brown

     Developed by ............................... William Bickley
                                                  Michael Warren

     Director of Photography .................... Bruce Nielsen

     Associate Director ......................... Mary Hardwick

     Executive in charge of casting ............. Barbara Miller, C.S.A.

     Casting by ................................. Theodore Hann, C.S.A.

     Main Title Theme / Music ................... Gary Boren
                                                  Steven Chesne

     Taped at ................................... Warner Bros. Studios,
                                                  Burbank, California

     Production ................................. Bickley-Warren Productions
                                                  Warner Bros. Television

     Copyright .................................. Warner Bros. Television

     Kirk Cameron ............................... Kirk Hartman

     Chelsea Noble .............................. Elizabeth Waters-Hartman

     Louis Vanaria .............................. Eddie Balducci

     Will Estes ................................. Corey Hartman

     Taylor Fry ................................. Phoebe Hartman

     Courtland Mead ............................. Russell Hartman

     Debra Mooney ............................... Sally

022 [2.01-96] For Whom the Wedding Bells Toll (1) / Paris ist eine Reise wert

    Elizabeth attends a doctors' convention - also to get a job at a
    hospital - in Paris and invites Kirk to come along. Already on their
    flight there Kirk proposes to Elizabeth but gets no positive answer -
    which doesn't keep him from trying again and again until Elizabeth
    finally gives in. With Kirk's carefree attitude she meets interesting
    persons as well as lands the job she was hoping for. At home Pheobe
    hosts a meeting of an all-college girl activists group.

    Directed by: Richard Correll
    Written by : Susan Fales
    Guest Cast : Tracy Vilar ..................... Gina
                 Richard Riehle .................. Dr. Arthur Bacanovic
                 Cari Shayne ..................... Julia
                 Pamela Kosh ..................... Dr. Grace Turnbull
                 Janna Levenstein ................ Cynthia
                 Tangie Ambrose .................. Serena
                 Allan Kollman ................... Croupier

022 [2.02-96] For Whom the Wedding Bells Toll (2) / Paris ist eine Reise wert

    Kirk returns home ... with his new wife Elizabeth. The others weren't
    lazy, too: Phoebe got drunk during the meeting for which she has to
    pay in the morning. Phoebe's drinking is also the cause for Kirk and
    Elizabeth's first fight. Corey had a girl from Phoebe's group staying

    Directed by: Joel Zwick
    Written by : Thom Bray & Michael Ross
    Guest Cast : Cari Shayne ..................... Julia
                 Yvan Dautin ..................... Priest

024 [2.03-96] Yours, Mine, and Ours / Ordnung muss sein

    Sharing the life means also sharing available space - which means some
    stuff has to go. Elizabeth doesn't want to give up hers and Kirk not
    his. But after some time Elizabeth can't stand the mess any longer and
    takes on the clearing and cleaning. One of the victim's is Kirk's
    valuable comics collection. Sharing the life means also sharing the
    same account - and again it's the different life style: Elizabeth who
    has everything clean and sorted ... and Kirk.

    Directed by: Joel Zwick
    Written by : Ron Burla
    Guest Cast : Christopher Darga ............... Bruce

025 [2.04-96] She Stoops to Conquer / Liebe macht bloed

    Phoebe has the hots for Ty but he doesn't even notice her. In one of
    those girl magazines she reads how to proceed to conquer a boy - which
    she wants to try against the advice of Elizabeth or Kirk (who thinks
    that she isn't ready for it anyway).

    Directed by: Steve Muscarella
    Written by : Allison M. Gibson
    Guest Cast : Jordan Brower ................... Ty

026 [2.05-96] Strangers in the Night / Corey - Allein in New York

    With Corey staying out late and violating curfew Elizabeth sees a
    problem. Not so easygoing Kirk who thinks the 'brother' Kirk can
    handle it and there's no need for a 'father' Kirk. But brothers
    can't handle everything. Phoebe auditions for the lead in Hamlet.

    Directed by: Scott Vincent Baio
    Written by : Mike Costa
    Guest Cast : Jim Maniaci ..................... Buzz
                 Liz Ard ......................... Rapunzel

027 [2.06-96] Hire Learning / Traeume werden wahr

    Although laid off from his previous employer Kirk has two interviews:
    one at DC Comics - which would be the job he has dreamt of his entire
    life - and the other at no-name, shabby Shotz Comics. Both show strong
    interest in him, with the latter offering more money. Against his dreams
    he must choose Shotz: Phoebe gets a chance to go to the Blakemore
    Academy and that costs a lot of money.

    Directed by: Scott Vincent Baio
    Written by : Jill Cargerman
    Guest Cast : David Byrd ...................... Everett Shotz
                 Jonathan Craig Williams ......... Elliot

028 [2.07-96] Something's Got To Give / Versprochen ist versprochen

    Elizabeth's wish to once become a medical director on one hand and
    taking care and helping her family on the other collide. Although
    she promises to help Corey baking a cake for a course and rehearse
    for the upcoming talent show in Russell's school she choses Dr. Snyder
    over them. And she neglects Kirk as well.

    Directed by: Jimmy Hampton
    Written by : Ron Burla 
    Guest Cast : Bruce Jarchow ................... Dr. Snyder
                 Steve Stapenhorst ............... Distinguished Man

029 [2.08-96] Balducci Blues / Eddie im Glueck

    Auditioning in a club for a singing job Eddie meets Eve and falls in
    love. After more and more days go by Kirk and also Elizabeth realize
    that he indeed means it seriously this time around. Then Eddie asks
    Kirk for a favor - he should bring Eve the earrings he bought. Kirk
    does and returns with bad news: he has seen Eve with an other guy. A
    fight between Phoebe and Corey has one victim - Elizabeth's favorite

    Directed by: Jimmy Hampton
    Written by : Allison M. Gibson
    Guest Cast : Michele Maika ................... Eve
                 Gary Yates ...................... Mr. Evans

030 [2.09-96] Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave (1) / Doppelt vermaehlt haelt besser (1)

    Elizabeth's parents return from a cruise and on their way home they
    stop by to pay her a visit. While her parents were away a lot has
    changed, like for instance the marriage. Her parents don't know it,
    and this should stay that way. So Elizabeth's just tells them that
    she and Kirk are engaged and the others play along.

    Directed by: Jimmy Hampton
    Written by : Michael A. Ross & Thom Bray
    Guest Cast : Chad Everett .................... Armstrong Waters
                 Kathleen Noone .................. Marylee Waters

031 [2.10-96] Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave (2) / Doppelt vermaehlt haelt besser (2)

    The clan goes to Connecticut where Elizabeth already spent the last
    week with her parents. The wedding preparations are underway and
    Kirk and Elizabeth try hard not to reveal their secret. Nevertheless
    Elizabeth's parents find out.

    Directed by: Jimmy Hampton
    Written by : Susan Fales
    Guest Cast : Chad Everett .................... Armstrong Waters
                 Kathleen Noone .................. Marylee Waters
                 Roscoe Lee Browne ............... Reverend Soames
                 Douglas Fisher .................. Valentine

032 [2.11-96] Witness For The Persecution / Zeugin der Anklage

    Phoebe's penpal from Argentina spends a week at the Hartman's. When
    Corey and Mercedes decide to go on a party and Mercedes driving style
    causes an accident she blames Corey. And since Corey wasn't allowed to
    drive without a responsible adult he gets punished. Then Phoebe by
    chance finds out that Corey actually told the truth. Sally consults
    a video-dating service.

    Directed by: Richard Correll
    Written by : Jill Cargerman
    Guest Cast : Alitzah Wiener .................. Mercedes
                 Edward Evanko ................... Armand

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