Gundam Scientists

The Gundam Science Logo

Full Title: The Minovsky Scientific Research Society
Date Founded: After Colony 001
Alliance: Actively neutral, aiding all humanity for the betterment of the species
Membership: 5,000 active members, all in the sciences
Mission: To better all mankind
Commander: Instructor H
Second in Command: Doktor S

As Earth's population grew, humanity needed new places to live. This was the reasoning behind the construction of the Earth Sphere colonies. Begun by scientists, the colonies became a new world with new potential and new possibilities. It was there that the Minovsky Scientific Reasearch Society was born.

Founded on the principles of truth, peace, and advancement for all humanity, the Society developed many remarkable technologies, including the field of Minovsky Physics and the rare space alloy, Gundanium. At least one former member of the society is responsible for the creation of the first Mobile suit (see Howard).

When the alliance began its takover of the colonies, the Society remained neutral. However, several members began to play the shadows, eventually forming the Colonial Rebellion.

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