The Antis War – 7 to 2 B.E.

T'lantico Antis was a young, brilliant Fir Bolg Druid studying in Tirdannan. He discovered and developed a method in which the various forms of magic were combined and reduced to its simplest, most pure nature. He demonstrated this new form of magic before his superiors, the Druid Council. As indicated by logs of the meeting, the council looked at his research and became alarmed. They felt that this power could potentially rival the gods, and could be capable of doing the one thing that magic was not able, or allowed to do: Create Life. The council forbid Antis from studying this new form of magic any further, until the council could do some tests. Disappointed, Antis returned to his people, where it is believed that he began to secretly conduct tests of his own.

During a seven-month period, the Druid council tried to recreate Antis' work, based on his notes. However, none of their volunteers, selected from several races and ethnicities including Fir Bolg, were able to wield the power that Antis' had discovered. Amergin, a member of the council, wrote in his personal journal that he believed that the ability may be in-born; that only a small, random group of people would be able to wield this power within a 1000 year period.

Antis, meanwhile, retreated to a small, barren island several miles away from the Fir Bolg reservation #5 (See Chapter 18: The First Dannan Expansion for information on the original conquest of the Fir Bolg homeland, and Chapter 27: Fir Bolg Society for information regarding their minority status and oppression).

Several months later, a fisherman recounted the sudden appearance of a large island in the middle of the sea, approximately five miles long and three miles wide, covered with vibrant plant life, forestry, and several large rock formations. He also claimed to have seen strange animals peaking out from the forest. He became frightened and returned to the reservation.

More fishermen journeyed near the island, and told their friends and family about it. There is also a record of one young man landing on the island and entering the forest while his friends remained in the boat. A few minutes later, screams erupted from the forest. The young man barely escaped the forest, his arm mauled, when something described as having tentacles slithered after him, wrapped it's tentacles around him, and pulled towards it.  As he friends, panicked, left the shore, they saw their friend brutally devoured by the beast.

The Fir Bolg sent a small fleet of five ships towards the island, carrying members of the Bolg militia and several Fir Bolg druids. According to ship logs aboard the Balor's Pride, they spotted Antis at the shore of the island. They sent a small rowboat to the island and retrieved him. The Balor's Pride returned to the reservation, while the other four ships prepared for landfall. The passengers and crew were never heard from again.

Antis' Homecoming...

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Updated August 16 2002
By Moderator/Group Owner Senidel -
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