Origins of the Races

According to Yusan Kessel's theory on evolution, all of Earth's primary races are descended from a single line of proto-humans. It was at this point that humanity split into three specific groups: The Magnon-Human, the Dweorg, and the Erl. As these early races developed magic, they splintered further within each group:

There is a great deal of dispute about the Erl line. Some scholars believe that the Fir Bolg and Dannan, like the Elves and the Greyn, are actually different ethnic groups of the same race. Others believe that the Cymru are a unique cross between Magnon-Humans and Erl in the region that would eventually become Old Cymreig.

The Ork race, which came from the world of Draenaer, split into four groups: the diminuitive Goblin, the hulking Ogre, the lanky Troll, and the hardy Orcs. Unlike Earth, these groups never split into subgroups. While all four are almost as ethnically diverse as the Earth races, Ork scholars among the four races are puzzled as to why the Ork-based groups did not split into sub-groups/races.

Then there are the Kenders. Magnon-Human scholars claim that Kenders belong in the Erl family, due to their build. Erl scholars declare that they belong in the Dweorg family, due to their diminuative size. And Dweorg scholars swear that the Kender are from the Magnon-Human branch, due to similar facial/skull construction. It may be possible that the Kender are a product of all three branches, which some supremicist groups cite as reason to prevent interracial marriage, due to my people's tendency for kleptomania and a lack of fear/common sense. Bastards, all of them.

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Updated August 16 2002
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