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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Narrator:  "Since the dawn of man, the vampires have walked among us -- killing, feeding.  The only one with the strength or skill to stop their heinous evil is the Slayer -- she who bears the birthmark, the mark of the coven.  Trained by the Watcher, one Slayer dies and the next is chosen."

Watcher:  Let Satan tremble.  The Slayer is born."

Basketball Coach: "Now, what do we say on the court?  ...  I am a person.  I have a right to the ball."

Andy (to Grueller): "If you spent more time at home sleeping, you'd spend less time on the court sucking."

Lothos (in Buffy's dream): "Will you people ever learn that we can't be stopped.  --  This is our world now."

Amilyn: "Sleep, my master, my own.  Sleep.  I have already begun building you a new family.  Soon we will be legion.  When you rise, we will claim this place as our own."

Buffy (to Pike and Benny):  "You guys are thrashed.  ..."
Pike:  "That would explain the slurred speech."

Pike:  "What's your name?"
Buffy: "--  Buffy."
Pike:  "...  I'm Pike.  ..."
Buffy:  "Pke isn't a name.  It's a fish."

Benny: "Those rich bitches -- they're a plague.  They got to be stopped."
Pike: "What, you didn't like them?"
Benny: "...  I mean, they're all the same.  They're just so stuck-up.  Like they're not even human.  I hate them."
Pike: "Yeah, but would you bone them?"
Benny: "Yes, definitely.  ...  Especially the blonde.  Ooh!  I'd give my right eye for a piece of that."
Pike: "Mmm!  Wait!  She's not even human."
Benny: "Yes, but her yabocos scoff at gravity."
Pike: "Man, you're disgusting.  You don't even like her and you sleep with her.  What is that?"
Benny: "I got a news flash for you.  Another shot of this and I'll have sex with you."
Pike: "Oh, yeah, then you'll never call me."

Merrick: "...  I've been searching everywhere for you, Buffy.  ...  To bring you your birthright."
Buffy: "...  Is that like a trust fund of something?"
Merrick: "I think it'll be easier to understand this birthright if I show it to you, all right?  So you come with me now -- to the graveyard."
Buffy: "...  My trust fund's in the graveyard?  ..."
Merrick:  "My name is Merrick.  And you have been chosen, Buffy."
Buffy: "--  Chosen to go to the graveyard.  Why don't you just take the first runner-up, okay?"
Merrick: "Everything depends on you, Buffy.  You must come with me, now, to the graveyard, while there's still time."
Buffy: "Time to do what?"
Merrick: "Time to stop the killing -- to stop the vampires."
Buffy: "...  You want me to go to the graveyard with you because I'm the chosen one and there are vampires?"
Merrick: "Yes."
Buffy: "Does Elvis talk to you?  ..."
Merrick:  "...  You bear the mark.  You bear the mark of the coven."
Buffy: "What?  That big old hairy mole.  Eww!  I had that thing removed.  Besides, you knowing about my big ol mole doesn't prove anything.  ..."
Merrick:  "Did you ever dream that you were someone else, Buffy?  ..."
Buffy:  "...  I never told anybody about this.  ...  How do you know all this?"
Merrick: "Because it is your birthright and I am a part of it."

Buffy: "I can't believe I'm in a graveyard with a strange man hunting for vampires on a school night."

Merrick (to Buffy): "... once the vampires find out who you are, you won't be hunting them anymore."

Buffy (re: vampires): "They can't come in unless you invite them in, is that true?"
Merrick: "That's true."

Buffy (after Merrick tests Buffy's reflexes by throwing a knife at her head and she catches it): "I don't want to be the chosen one.  I don't want to spend the rest of my life chasing after vampires.  All I want to do is graduate from high school, go to Europe, marry Christian Slater and die.  That may not sound too exciting to a scone-head like you, but I think it's swell.  You come along and tell me that I'm a member of the hairy mole club so you can throw things at me? 

Merrick: "You must never forget the cardinal rule, Buffy -- One vampire is a lot easier to kill than ten."
Buffy: "Does the word 'duh' mean anything to you?"

Merrick: "You felt sick, didn't you?  You had cramps?"
Buffy: "...  Yeah, I felt them, a little.  ..."
Merrick: "...  It was a natural reaction on the part of a Slayer, a reaction to their unnaturalness.  And you're going to be able to use that to track them."
Buffy: "Great.  My secret weapon is PMS.  ..."
Merrick: "It's not a weapon.  It's an alert system."

Buffy: "...  I'm not going to croak that easily.  I have something that the other girls didn't have."
Merrick: "And what might that be ...?"
Buffy: "My keen fashion sense."
Merrick: "Oh, vampires of the world, beware."

Buffy (to Pike): "Things are kind of confusing.  ...  Three weeks ago, all I could think about was -- I didn't exactly thing about anything....  You know what it's like when everything is suddenly different?  Everything you though was crucial ... seems so stupid."

Basketball Coach: "... if we all work together, together it'll all work out."

Basketball Coach: "You missed practice again today.  I think you better sit down and think about how that made me feel."

Basketball Coach: "... remember, you're special."

Basketball Coach: "Assert your personhood.  Actualize.  Actualize."

Basketball Coach: "Stagger them with your politeness."

Biker: "Hey, babe!  You want to get some real power between your legs."
Buffy: "Yeah, I do." 
[Buffy throws the biker to the ground and takes off on his motorcycle.]

Buffy: "You were my friend."
Grueller: "Now -- I'm a god.  ..."
[Pike stakes Grueller through the back after Buffy kicks him]
Pike: "And, now, you're a coat rack."

Lothos: "Ashes to ashes ... dust to dust."

Merrick: "You do -- everything wrong.  ...  Do it wrong.  Don't -- play our game.  Lothos ... is a sham.  Remember about the music.  Listen.  When the music stops -- the rest is silence.  (the word 'silence' was practically inaudible as Merrick died)

Pike: "... the world's under attack by legions of the undead, you're going to a mixer.  ...  I thought you wanted to kill vampires."
Buffy: "I don't want to kill anybody.  ...  I'm in way over my head."
Pike: "Look, life's a bitch.  I'll give you that.  But, Buffy, you're the guy.  You are the chosen guy."
Buffy: "I'm the chosen one, and I choose to be shopping."

Amilyn (to Lothos after overhearing Buffy being identified as the chosen one): "The Slayer is unmasked.  Let's finish it."

Buffy (to Amilyn): "... you're obviously having a bad hair day."

Male student (after invasion of party by vampires): "This party sucks, man."

Amilyn: "We're immortal, Buffy.  We can do anything."
Buffy: "Oh, yeah!  Clap!"  (Amilyn lost one arm in an attack on Pike earlier in the movie)

Lothos: "I am life beyond death and you are just like the other girls."
Buffy: "Maybe I'll surprise you."
[Buffy pulls out a Cross]
Lothos: "This is your defense.  ...  Your puny faith."
[Lothos grabs the Cross and it catches fire]
Buffy: "No.  My keen fashion sense.
[Buffy pulls out a can of hair spray and sprays across the burning Cross toward Lothos catching Lotho's hair on fire.]

Pike (after the fight in which Buffy defeats Lothos): "I can't move my legs."
Buffy: "Why?"
Pike: " 'cause you're sitting on them."

Andy (describing the vampire attack): "They had fangs.  They were biting people.  They had this look in their eyes, totally cold, animal.  I think they were Young Republicans."

Principal Murray: "I saw a lot of action in 'nam.  Well -- saw Platoon."

Principal Murray: "I do think the students learned a valuable lesson about safety, except the dead ones....  ... they learned it, but they really didn't have time to implement it...."